In business, in the End, You Win Through…by Javnyuy Joybert

In business, in the end, you win through superior craftsmanship, superior marketing/distribution of value, superior human capabilities and superior agile execution.

If you are still at the startup level of your business dreams, start paying attention to these elements. Even start writing down policies and developing working cultures that will bind you and hold you accountable to deliver on these elements.

Your business will struggle to be sustainable without superior craftsmanship, superior marketing/distribution of value, superior human capabilities and superior agile execution.

Take a critical look at global companies, continental companies, national companies doing massively well in their sectors, they have mastered the core of these elements. This is what keeps them in business.

For example, Apple does not play with their craftsmanship, look at the superior design of their phones and laptops. Coca-cola does not play with their marketing/distribution, that is why it is actually difficult to think of a country where Coca-Cola is not available. I can go on and on.

Therefore, make sure as you build your business, you should get these right;

Superior craftsmanship: Excellent products with amazing design and the ability to perform its core benefits flawlessly.

Superior marketing/distribution of value: Make sure you have an excellent strategy that will enable your target market to know you exist, where to find you and easily have access to the value you are selling.

Superior human capabilities: Without the right people, your vision will perish. Make sure you master the art of identifying talent, recruiting talent, developing talent and inspiring talent to produce superior results.

To grow your business to be sustainable in all dimensions, register for our Mini-MBA Program. I and my team have selected well crafted practical courses for amazing impact in business. It is a 3 months, online program, 2 days a week, from 7pm.
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Superior agile execution: No business, small or big will win in this dispensation, if they cannot be committed to massive and agile execution. The ability to quickly adapt to change, innovation, industry trends and still execute effectively.

This is an excerpt of my Africa business dominance framework.

Keep building that business dream.


Javnyuy Joybert
Mr. Remarkable