African Young People: Entrepreneurship Requires 2 things by Javnyuy Joybert

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Entrepreneurship these days is now like a song and everyone want to be called an entrepreneur or a CEO. Definitely, am among those who believe that entrepreneurship is the game changer for the Cameroon and African economy. If you are about to venture into entrepreneurship or already have a small startup or business, I want you to understand that success in entrepreneurship requires two things that is Value and simplicity. If you want to succeed in entrepreneurship, add value to people’s life and keep it simple.

Entrepreneurs are generally free thinking, creative and inspired people. How well do you find out time to just to think creatively, how well do you observe people and your environment to find out ideas to implement, how inspired are you about that idea you just generated? A good entrepreneurial idea is as good as the person who started the idea.

Understand this carefully, entrepreneurs should not expect to run a successful business if they have not put in any time learning valuable life lessons about failure, mistakes and growth. No one is born ready to be an entrepreneur; therefore you need to develop certain entrepreneurial skills and when you do, you can ensure that your future or present business endeavors will succeed.



Let me briefly share with 3 traits (attitudes) that entrepreneurs need for success

  1. Patience.

This may look basic or it may even be your sisters name, but patience can be one of the most challenging skills to build. You need to learn how to stay patient, stay focus and make informed decisions. Don’t confuse being patient with being inactive


  1. Drive.

One of the most important things any entrepreneur needs to build a business is drive. In entrepreneurship, you will face difficulties, challenges and failures. Therefore, summoning the drive to keep going and being indomitable is necessary.

  1. Awareness.

Earlier in this article I mentioned the fact that as an entrepreneur you need to observe. A good entrepreneur needs to learn to be aware of everything around them. Take time to continue to build yourself as an individual outside of your pursuits.


About the Author

Javnyuy Joybert is a Social Entrepreneur, Empowerment Coach & Business Trainer/Consultant. He is the Founder/CEO of COSDEF Group

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