Stop Moving Around & Forcing People To Respect You by Javnyuy Joybert

Yesterday, I said it is time people stop moving around & forcing other people to respect them when they have not earned the respect they desire.

In this November 2021,
In all thy talking and hyping, make sure you are taking Actions, in all thy actions make sure you are producing tangible results that no one can argue.

They always say, “results stop nonsense”

Read this Bible verse:
Acts 4:16
“What should we do with these men?” they asked each other. “We can’t deny that they have performed a miraculous sign, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it.

What tangible results have you produced in your sector that no one can argue? Don’t feel sad if you have not. You can still be a work in progress. But be conscious you are on a journey of tangible results engineering.

Read the scripture above again, the people said “We can’t deny that they have performed a miraculous sign, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it”.

What tangible results have you achieved? Are you competent enough? Are you a top player in your sector? Show the Goliath that you have killed to qualify for the throne. Show me new territories you are consistently conquering.

You want to earn respect as a business Consultant? Start and run a successful business everyone can see.
You want to earn respect as a career coach? Build a thriving career that everyone can see the results.
You want to earn respect as a motivational speaker? Work hard and become successful in a chosen career.
You want to earn respect at anything? Put in the right efforts and achieve tangible results no one can deny.

Note this, To gain more respect, demonstrate your ability to be a strategic thinker and offer up thoughtful and comprehensive proposals with solutions. When you have the courage to not only point out what is wrong, but also stand behind it with a well-thought proposal for how to make it better, you gain more respect. Even if people don’t fully accept your proposal, they will respect you for providing one. It shows that you are truly invested in making things better, and you will gain a reputation for generating ideas, solving problems and improving processes.

Cheers from Carisma Esther Patrick Adedamola and I.

Javnyuy Joybert
Mr. Remarkable