One Goal Every Entrepreneur Should Set Each Year by Javnyuy Joybert
One Goal Every Entrepreneur Should Set Each Year by Javnyuy Joybert Have you ever wondered what it takes for you as an entrepreneur to command the goals of profitability…
One Goal Every Entrepreneur Should Set Each Year by Javnyuy Joybert Have you ever wondered what it takes for you as an entrepreneur to command the goals of profitability…
Techniques to Sustaining a Business (Live Training) By Javnyuy Joybert Javnyuy Joybert a Business & Productivity Speaker, Trainer and Consultant was invited on STV Cameroon to lead a LIVE training…
Eliminate & kill distractions and energy drainers immediately they arise
12 Things You Must Resolve to Consistently Do in 2020 to Win. It is your responsibility to make 2020 your year of Incredible results. You can change your life if you really want to.
I always challenge young people to be question askers and answer seekers. Many young people live shallow lives because they have not asked the right questions and therefore always get…
One of the best ways to make your way up on the business ladder is to increase your value as an employee within your company. In order to do just…
You are the most magnificent being you can ever be, don’t lose yourself to self- unworthiness. Most people are likely to catch this feeling of body dissatisfaction, based on public…
Young Entrepreneurs: The Power of Adaptability & Persistence Have you ever wondered what separate successful entrepreneurs from others? Or wondered why others breakthrough and live their dreams while some struggle…
"I may never go back to this barber shop": Why? The conflicts & the business lessons
Personal Accountability Drives Entrepreneurial Growth: Javnyuy Joybert Do you remember in secondary school you will set the alarm to get up at a particular time to study and when it…