One Goal Every Entrepreneur Should Set Each Year by Javnyuy Joybert

One Goal Every Entrepreneur Should Set Each Year by Javnyuy Joybert


Have you ever wondered what it takes for you as an entrepreneur to command the goals of profitability each year? A committed entrepreneur who desires consistent growth must have wondered about this.


I believe there is that one key goal that entrepreneurs and business executives should set each year and drive their energy, focus, commitment and resources towards that goal.


While the other goals are important, the real secret of running a sustainable business depends so much on you setting this goal every New Year.


Get this incredible perspective from Keith Krach, he said “Much research has shown that business professionals who create a set of conscious, well-thought-out goals for themselves and their companies are more likely to achieve long-term success. Companies that fail to innovate through setting and following through on defined goals tend to languish while their competition pulls ahead”


As an entrepreneur and business executive, be careful not set goals that are too complex or even set the wrong goals.

A sustainable entrepreneur should have goals that cut across the following business areas


– Online positioning

– Efficient operations

– Brand reputation

– Community give back

– Customer service

– Etc


These are important and there is this one goal that every entrepreneur and business executive should consistently set each year and even have serious staff meeting to focus only around the achievement of this goal


What is this goal?




Yes, every committed entrepreneur should make sure that every New Year, whatever decisions they are making, whatever planning, budgeting etc a huge part of all these should be geared to Generating Greater ROI consistently. Successful entrepreneurs and executives do not leave this part to chance or pay average attention to it. They take concrete actions to generate greater ROI consistently.


Return on investment (ROI) is a key term for every entrepreneur and executive. Different entrepreneurs have different outlooks for ROI or to generate greater ROI.

– Some wish to convert cold leads to customers

– Some wish to blend new technologies to earn increased revenue

– Some take the production of goods to new heights by optimizing machinery

– Some expand into new markets (towns, cities and countries)

– Some increase the size of their sales team to get more sales


There is one key fact about tracking ROI. ROI demonstrates how skilled the people (the CEO and staff) in charge are at generating profitable growth and managing company funds wisely.


Javnyuy Joybert

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Ekenu Ayako

    Beautiful. Thanks sir

    1. admin

      Thank you so much.

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