Doctoral Publication -The Effects of Business Incubators on the Growth of Entrepreneurs in Cameroon by Javnyuy Joybert

Doctoral Publication by Javnyuy Joybert - The Effects of Business Incubators on the Growth of Entrepreneurs in Cameroon Abstract  The primary purposes of businesses are for profit maximization and growth.…

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Cameroon Music Industry – Musicians Tapping Street & Corporate Money? By Javnyuy Joybert

Cameroon Music Industry - Tapping Street & Corporate Money (Special credit to Maro Elias) The Cameroon music industry is a clear example of being Strategic when it comes to selling…

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The Impact of Bootstrapping on Entrepreneurial Growth in a Developing Country (Case of Cameroon) Publication by Javnyuy Joybert

The Impact of Bootstrapping on Entrepreneurial Growth in a Developing Country (Case of Cameroon) Publication by Javnyuy Joybert This publication is part of my doctoral requirements in Business Administration with…

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Factors Influencing the Negative Performance of SMEs in Cameroon by Javnyuy Joybert

Factors Influencing the Negative Performance of SMEs in Cameroon by Javnyuy Joybert On the Live Talk Show The Rendez vous (RDV) on STV Cameroon, I led a 40 minutes training…

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