Experiencing Personal Transformation – By Javnyuy Joybert

Are you tired of your current you? Do you desire to break out and stand tall? It start with personal transformation. Experiencing change in any area of your life is a choice but then, positive change requires commitment, discipline, and making hard decisions that the flesh will not like

 How can you experience this personal transformation? Let me briefly take you through powerful proven steps.

1. Change your belief system

Your belief system is responsible for your actions and current output in life. One of the most powerful ways that you can change your belief system is developing daily habits, habits like reading success books, listening to experts in your field, practicing positive thinking and optimism

2. Commit to self re-defination

You cannot experience transformation if you are stuck with only what you know. You need to open to perspective and different opinions. No one who learn or improve remain in a state of stagnation

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3. Consistent actions

If you decide in your mind to change without backing up with key actions, you are a noisemaker. Always do something every new day that will take you closer to your dream. Be proactive and make progress

4. Organize and Prioritize

Take control of your life by taking control of your time and activities. You cannot experience transformation with distractions and poor focus on key activities

5. Join the success gang

Get rid of negative people and embrace relationships that support, empower and inspire you to shoot for greatness. Do not only learn from them but also strive to contribute value in their lives

Fulfillment begin when you experience transformation

For speaking engagements, workshops and public appearances, in the areas of personal effectiveness & success, enterprise development & business growth, corporate & work place efficiency, process innovation & strategic execution, staff training & career growth kindly email javnyuy@cosdefgroup.com or javnyuyjoybert22@gmail.com or call +237 656140207

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Moforyan Lydienne

    Thanks sir… This are some very powerful practical steps. At the end of the day discipline is key.

  2. Wirnkar

    Personal transformation is very important, my question is what do you do when finance is one of the blocks holding you down.

    1. admin

      Hello Wirnkar.
      You need to master the wealth creation habits or money habits and begin to live them


    Thanks very much sir.from this I can see a transformation.thou Wen apply don’t really see a change. thanks

    1. admin

      Thank you so much. Keep visiting


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