Self-Care is Critical. You Can’t Help Others if You Require Help Yourself by Javnyuy Joybert

See eeh,   Self-care is critical. You can’t help others if you require help yourself.   I’m a firm believer that parents, leaders, Entrepreneurs, Executives will perform at their best,…

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Doctoral Publication -The Effects of Business Incubators on the Growth of Entrepreneurs in Cameroon by Javnyuy Joybert

Doctoral Publication by Javnyuy Joybert - The Effects of Business Incubators on the Growth of Entrepreneurs in Cameroon Abstract  The primary purposes of businesses are for profit maximization and growth.…

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Cameroon Music Industry – Musicians Tapping Street & Corporate Money? By Javnyuy Joybert

Cameroon Music Industry - Tapping Street & Corporate Money (Special credit to Maro Elias) The Cameroon music industry is a clear example of being Strategic when it comes to selling…

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Business Strategy Class with Javnyuy Joybert on The Income Stream Community Africa

Business Strategy Class with Javnyuy Joybert on The Income Stream Community Africa (Nigeria): Host - Mayowa Onabanjo I spoke about the 10 key elements every entrepreneur or business person should…

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Podcast: Funding Your Business (Idea) Through Bootstrapping by Javnyuy Joybert

Funding Your Business (Idea) Through Bootstrapping by Javnyuy Joybert Learn 7 practical ways you can use bootstrapping to fund your business (idea) Bootstrapping is the process of building a business…

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