Acts Chapter 3: The Man Who Disrupted an Old Pattern by Javnyuy Joybert

Acts Chapter 3: The Man Who Disrupted an Old Pattern by Javnyuy Joybert

Acts 3:2b:
… Daily he was put beside the temple gate…
Focus on the word “Daily”. Because something is being done consistently does not mean it is right. It does not mean that is the best system at that time. An old pattern in career and business can still be consistent with no transformational results.

Not everyone has the ability, knowledge and spirit to disrupt existing old patterns no longer producing great results for the society. The people who were carrying this man daily to the beautiful gate only had the ability to maintain the old pattern of doing things with no transformational results.

But then, there was a disruption to the old pattern that was no longer serving the lame man.

Look at Acts 3:6b;
…But I will give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk.

What actually happened here? Someone with the ability, the knowledge and the spirit to disrupt the daily old pattern came to the scene. Until someone or a group of people who have the ability and the willingness step in to challenge old poor performing patterns, many people will still remain in suffering.

Look at Cameroon and Africa. We have leaders who have maintained the same old patterns of doing things with no results. Daily they get up and do the same thing with no results. Africa needs people who will wake up with the ability, knowledge and spirit to disrupt existing old patterns and usher in transformational results that will lead to the manifestation of Africans. Africa is not poor, Africans are too used to old patterns no longer serving them.

Look at Acts 3:9b;
…heard him praising God.
Praise is a sign of joy and celebration. Africans will only truly smile and celebrate when more Africans continue to rise to disrupt old patterns that no longer produce results. If Peter did not rise and disrupt the existing pattern for this lame man, he would have never walked not to talk of praising God and smiling.

To truly liberate Cameroon and Africa (especially the economy), we need to identify existing old patterns, disrupt them and usher in new working systems. Cameroon and Africa will remain 20 years behind economic advancement if we do not start disrupting old patterns. And old people will not do this, because they do not know how to disrupt.


Javnyuy Joybert (The Apostle of Business)
Mr Remarkable