The Journey to a Better Self and Career by Javnyuy Joybert

In picture A, that is me doing a photoshoot with this technical wide dress that I could afford because at that time I could not afford a proper suit… chai inside this life. All I knew was, I had to work on my brand elements, but I was broke to afford ahahah

In picture B, do not conclude I have made it because I am still work in progress and still working on my success salvation but I am not where I use to be.

If you noticed in the last two weeks, I have been sharing part of the journey (early stage of my career). I have clocked 10 years of consistent hard work in this matter and I have seen the struggles, the failures, I have cried, I have decided to give up like 100 times. I am sharing this intentionally for people who are still at the early stage of their dreams. They can picture the beautiful future, but their present circumstances looks different. Their present condition does not look like what they have in their mind.

I challenge you, if you have ascertained your purpose, if you are sure this is the path you want to walk in for the rest of your life, if you have confirmed this is your path to significance, do not give up. Be agile, gain new skills, try new strategies but do not give up. Every great man goes through a process.

And hear this, no great career or institution was made over night or in a few years. It took several years, it took sleepless nights, it took so many failures etc. Therefore, what you are going through now is part of your own process of manifestation

Whatsapp started in March 2009
Facebook started in February 2004
Netflix started in August 1999
Dangote Group started in 1981
UBA started in 1948
Tecno mobile started in 2006
Itel mobile started in 2014
Ngannou started his MMA career in November 2013
Eto’o started his football career in 1992

I could go on and on

You see all these institutions and individuals… They took time to be where they are now and we all admire them. They fought different battles. If it was easy, everyone will make it.

Therefore, I charge you to audit your belief system. Remember your thoughts govern your conditions about your career and business. Decide to be a success and not a failure. Before you blame anyone for being responsible for your failure, make sure your house is clean.

The work that we do through my personal brand and company COSDEF Group LTD has only become better with excellent results.


Javnyuy Joybert
Mr Remarkable