The Truth is, There is a Difference – Javnyuy Joybert

A few nights ago, I laid awake in my bed while thinking of Bae. This lady just has a way of…I picked up my phone….then another thought came…

What is the difference between people who have achieved massive career(business) success and people who have done just average or nothing tangible.

The truth is, there is a difference. There is a separation. Some people are just massive high achievers and some people are just ok achievers who may really desire to achieve more and do not know how.

But then, what is the difference? From Cameroon to the rest of Africa and other continents, there are certain lifestyle patterns extraordinary people have been able to master and live by unconditionally. These patterns are driven by core elements they hold so dear in their journey.

One of those element is “Having trusted experts and or superior support by their side to help them make the right decisions at the right time and put in the required work”

Look at this;

Every great footballer has or had a great football coach

Every great musician has or had a great voice/music teacher and producer

Every great student has or had a great teacher in school or at home (parents and home teachers)

Every great business leader and entrepreneur has or had a great (sometimes a team) business coach/consultant(s)

Every great young person has or had a great role model or mentor who he/she observe carefully and listen without distractions

Every great politician has or had a great godfather or godmother who provided endorsement and advice

Every great business leader and executive, has or had a great team of employees

The question is, “Who do you have, that is a trusted expert and authority that can enhance your success”.

And yes, I have heard many people and even some young people boldly say “I do not need anyone to succeed.” Any time I hear that, I just say to myself “Do not worry that is excitement and baby thinking manifesting. Wait, when life will romance you, hit you hard and humble you, you will understand”

Hear me well, many factors contribute to success and this includes having a good support system of people that you trust in their personality and competence and you have massive respect for. What is important is that you have people you feel comfortable talking to about what you’re experiencing and support you may need.

And now back to Bae, I will update you when the spirit leads. For now order these courses for your success engineering

1. Building Relevant Networks (Relationships) by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

2. Building an Innovative Mindset Course by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

3. Entrepreneurs Mind-Set & Habits-Set Course by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

4. From Idea to Action – Practical Techniques to Conquer Procrastination (Video) by Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

5. Passive Income Opportunities for Young People (Video Course) By Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

Click here to buy with Mobile Money and or bank card from anywhere in seconds and follow the course.

For more info Whatsapp: +237 674949153


Javnyuy Joybert

Mr. Remarkable