6 things to challenge you to operate in an effective manner by Javnyuy Joybert

That extra step on the road to success. That one thing that if you do different, your possibilities in life will be enhanced. Life does not just happen. It is your responsibility to liberate yourself from struggles.

Until you operate in an effective manner, you will always feel like you are stuck.

Here are 6 things to challenge you to operate in an effective manner.

a) Attention is a currency: Know how to get the right attention in a positive and valuable way. One of the most powerful skills is the ability to monetize attention.

b) Time is an investment not an expense: Are you spending time or are you investing your time. Investing your time means that you engage in activities which are calculated to bring you meaningful rewards.

c) Calculated Risk is an asset: Without taking risks, you will never achieve anything significant in life. Fear will kill your destiny, taking calculated risk will push your destiny forward.


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d) Spotting opportunities is a talent: Many people are stuck in life because their minds are too rigid to spot and harness opportunities. You will remain irrelevant if you do not spot and grab opportunities as they present themselves.

e) Courage is a catalyst: Fear and insecurities keep many people from becoming the best that they can be and attaining their goals. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is being afraid and working through the discomfort. Courage means you allow challenge and adversity to be a catalyst to help you grow strong enough to face whatever life throws at you.


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f) Superior knowledge is the game changer: Superior knowledge + superior craftsmanship + superior execution = Massive Success. Superior knowledge is the best way to move away from unproductive, unhealthy or unhelpful situations. Your actions in life are influenced by the kind of knowledge you possess. The right knowledge & skills will always double your chance of success.


Javnyuy Joybert

Mr. Remarkable
