Graduation: FuWIL Fellowship October 2020 Fellows

Graduation: FuWIL Fellowship October 2020 Fellows


After 2 weeks of intensive and rigorous upskilling and reskilling, we are excited to announce the commissioning of October 2020 Fellows this October 27th 2020.


The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship is a premier program of The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa – The Pan African Professional Skills Development Institute.


This transformational experience gives the participants (fellows) the tools and agile mindset to be leading change professionals in the fast changing marketplace. Through an intensive and interactive 2 weeks of peer-to-peer and expert experiential sharing, FuWIL fellows will gain a deeper understanding of the future marketplace as leading professionals

We congratulate the October 2020 Fellows for their commitment, drive, resilience, self-leadership and for pushing for results.

These fellows come from diverse industries with the strong desire to lead change. Read their full profiles here


Exciting feedback from some fellows


“Thank you very much for the wonderful fellowship that has greatly impacted me as well as other industry champions, I have attended many virtual conferences and fellowships but this one is exceptional. I want to thank the wonderful FuWIL Fellowship team” Ngwoh Patrick (Cameroon) – PhD Student &  General Manager at Competent Cleaning Center LTD BUEA


“My greatest desire has been fulfilled. I have changed a great deal. Been able to restructure my thinking, been more focused and I clearly understand what my mission is all about. I know the do’s and the don’ts, the acceptable and the unacceptable, the relevant and the irrelevant. Above all, today I am highly informed, hence my language has been professionalized thanks to the 2 weeks intensive fellowship, active participative modules of FuWIL with the objective to push up my reasoning and perspectives. FuWIL is a great opportunity for all” Honorine Cheng – Data Journalist and Fact-Checker


“I have been stretched extremely regarding the future of work especially on the 5am GMT+1 classes. I will confess even my husband has been amazed that I could be so engaged on something that wakes me up at 5am. This made him to follow keenly what FuWIL was all about. In addition, it has made me to develop an energetic confidence in all my activities. I am sincerely grateful. The FuWIL Fellowship has given me the opportunity to redefine my vision with professionalism and above all relevance” Ngole Elizabeth Nneh Obi – Intellectual property expert, a trainer and Founder Small Business Consulting Services LTD


“I am already sounding and acting different and my colleagues commented on it. They said the way I handle my work has changed. When is the level 2 of FuWIL Fellowship starting? ahah” Sirri Coleen – Health Consultant


We celebrate the FuWIL Fellowship operations team for their dedication and professionalism.

Head of Operations & Training: Nebal Paul Azinwi

Head of Design and Branding: Scott Achanyi

Center Director: Mbeh Lorantine Bih

Communication & PR Officer: Mbihlufeuin Mispah

Fellowship Coordinator: Ginga Emile Ande


Find out more about The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship (FuWIL)

“Africa must prioritize the upskilling and reskilling of her youth for the present and the future marketplace. We have to intentionally prepare our youth for the future. The shortcomings in skillful human capital in Africa directly reflect in her GDP” Javnyuy Joybert, CELBMD Africa Executive President


The official announcement of FuWIL Fellowship November 2020 will be announced on November 1st 2020


CELBMD Africa Media Team

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