Some People Doubt & Some Believe: What Do You Do?

Millions of people are currently being held back from living their dreams by doubts. They have limited themselves, given up, living below their potential because they doubt. I have meet many people both young and old so unsure about their future, they fear to take their first step and remain doubtful. There are two types of people the ones who doubt and the ones who believe and drive their ambition.

Why do some people doubt their dreams or fear to take the first step?

a) External influence: Friends or family members laugh at you or mock your decisions. Take note of this and face your dreams

b) You are not competent enough: Doubts will always set in if you know you are not competent enough to make your dreams happen. Do you ever fear you aren’t smart enough or talented enough to reach your goals? Acquire some skills and become capable

c) You Do not Have a Clear Big Picture: If you cannot see the beauty of your future and tomorrow you will always be weak and in doubt. You will not be motivated to face your doubts and chase your big picture

Choose to believe and not doubt. Find that passion, that purpose, set that vision with clarity. Believe in your future so much that you jump out of bed in the morning with so much energy and hunger maximize every minute.

The sign that you believe and do not doubt is you do not procrastinate, you set realistic daily goals and achieve them, you make daily progress towards that dream. Ask yourself this question and if your answer is YES get to work and if your answer is NO then is a call for you to change. Here is the question “If I work hard every day, Learn from every mistake, and never give up, will I eventually reach my goals?

Norman Vincent the author of The Power of Positive Thinking once said, “Believe in yourself. Have faith in your abilities. Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy”

One of the biggest predictors of your believe is how you talk to yourself. Over the course of your life, you will listen to yourself more than any other person will—so what you say matters. Ralph Charell once said, “The inner speech, your thoughts, can cause you to be rich or poor, loved or unloved, happy or unhappy, attractive or unattractive, powerful or weak.”

People who believe take one-step at a time. Goals are not achieved in one giant burst of effort. They come from doing your work consistently. When you are working toward a big goal, a hard goal, and you are not sure you can do it, stop thinking about the destination and simply focus on the next step. If the next step feels too big, divide it into smaller steps until you are confident enough to move forward.

Will you keep doubting or believe? What will change from this moment? Share with me

Remember, You are Rare, You are Remarkable

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Gloria

    I choose to believe. Doubt is a challenge i have been struggling with for a very very long time. Until few months back when i learnt i could actually do anything. Now i improve everyday and do something that adds a step further into my goals. True i still have some lingering doubts here and there.. mostly because of fear of failure, but one thing is certain is that, i know i am overcoming it everyday. Thank you C-life, thank you Mr. Joybert.

  2. Gloria Abong

    I choose to believe. Doubt is a challenge i have been struggling with for a very very long time. Until few months back when i learnt i could actually do anything. Now i improve everyday and do something that adds a step further into my goals. True i still have some lingering doubts here and there.. mostly because of fear of failure, but one thing is certain is that, i know i am overcoming it everyday. Thank you C-life, thank you Mr. Joybert.

    1. admin

      Absolutely, key word is improve always

  3. Yuh Marceline Nayah

    Thanks so much Sir for this great words


    My God honestly am so blessed bro ,may God continue to use you to inspire youths so we can change Africa for good ,
    Thank you so much Mr Joybert

    1. admin

      Thank you for your kind words Ndewa. Keep growing

  5. Buwoh Beuyikah Benyi

    Actually sir I just want to say thanks very much for the enriching food for thoughts. I have just been reading the silent, and trying to see how I make a change, though its not easy, there are still ups and downs some bit of laxity but, am shaken when ever I read these powerful, impacting food for thoughts. Thanks

  6. Buwoh Beuyikah Benyi

    Actually sir I just want to say thanks very much for the enriching food for thoughts. I have just been reading them silently, and trying to see how I make a change, though its not easy, there are still ups and downs some bit of laxity but, am shaken when ever I read these powerful, impacting food for thoughts. Thanks

    1. admin

      One step at a time. But keep improving everyday. You dont become your best version over night it is a process

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