Javnyuy Joybert’s 5 Steps to Developing Self-Discipline as an Entrepreneur

This article originally featured on Afrohustler

The most difficult asset for an entrepreneur to lead is not the startup structure. Neither is it the team. Rather, it’s the entrepreneur himself.

Carefully look at every successful startup (unicorn) or business and you will realize that the leader of that structure practices top level self-discipline. An entrepreneur with self-discipline can control his or her actions, commitment, level of hard work, spending attitude, the type of friends, how to manage tasks and time, making and sticking with the right decisions.

Canal 2 English TV Interview

All unsuccessful entrepreneurs are undisciplined and unable to control their unproductive behaviors.

The great Brian Tracy once said:

“If you don’t develop self-discipline to a high degree, it is impossible for you to ever achieve what you are truly capable of achieving.”

Throughout history, we find that every man or woman who achieved anything lasting and worthwhile, had engaged in long, often unappreciated hours, weeks, months and even years of concentrated, disciplined work, in a particular direction.

As an entrepreneur, therefore, you make your rules and you are responsible for your schedule. No one to shout at you like in a normal day job. What this means is, with poor self-discipline, you will be a poor and broke entrepreneur with an empty CEO title.

Self-discipline, therefore, has the power to transform any entrepreneur’s life & business for the better. Imagine how much you would accomplish as a young entrepreneur if you complete every task you set out to accomplish.
How can you develop self-discipline as an entrepreneur?

  • Acknowledge your weaknesses

Accept the simple truth that you’re lazy. Then, accept that you’re weak at completing tasks, and accept that you’re not disciplined enough as an entrepreneur. Remember, you can’t change what you haven’t accepted.

  • Eliminate the weaknesses

You could be lazy at completing tasks because you have the wrong friends around you who distract you. It could be your social media. It could be movies, poor relevant goals, or that you don’t have big enough dreams to keep you committed. Carefully identify and acknowledge these weaknesses and eliminate them, one at a time.

  • Set fire burning goals

Set DAILY goals that inspire you (DAILY GOALS and nothing else). Goals that are achievable. Goals that when you achieve, you will be proud of yourself. Daily goals help you outsmart the bad habits that usually undermine you.

  • Prioritize

Carefully look at your set goals and pick out the important or high-priority tasks. Tasks that will help you achieve long-term goals or that can have other meaningful and significant long-term consequences in your life, career or business if you do not finish.

  • Do things others are not willing to do

Every entrepreneurial person has discipline. The difference is, those who fail actually fail because they apply their discipline to the wrong things (bad habits). With self-discipline, you will do those things others are not willing to do; working 18 hours a day, sleeping 3 or 4 hours a day, reinvesting 85% of your income into your business, not spending lavishly, avoiding the wrong friends so that tomorrow you can live the life others can’t.

If a successful life if what you really want to achieve as an entrepreneur, self-discipline must be your watchword.

What changes are you going to make to your life today after reading this?

For speaking engagements, workshops and public appearances, in the areas of personal effectiveness & success, enterprise development & business growth, corporate & work place efficiency, process innovation & strategic execution, staff training & career growth kindly email javnyuy@cosdefgroup.com or call +237656140207

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. Ngwang Emmanuel Shey

    You are wonderful boss, more force sir

    1. admin

      Thank you Emmanuel for visiting. Learn, Grow, Rise and Shine

  2. Ignatius

    Great write up. I have learned somuch from it.

    1. admin

      Amazing. Thank you Ignatius for visiting. Learn, Grow, Rise and Shine

  3. Ako Francis

    The message is so powerful and aspiring thanks

    1. admin

      Thank you. Keep visiting the platform and growing

  4. Mbozeko Brice

    Always enriching

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for visiting. Cheers

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for visiting. Cheers

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