Feeling Frustrated? Here is What to do by Javnyuy Joybert

If you have never had this kind of feelings then you have not started stretching your ambitions.

If you have never had this feeling then you are operating from your comfort zone.

Here is what I am talking about;

Have you had those moments where you feel like you are destined for greatness, destined to do incredible things but is as if nothing is happening, you only see frustrated results with no tangible achievement?

If you have had this kind of feelings plus sleepless nights because of these feelings then is a good sign. It means that you are alert; it means that you a results driven person and you are conscious not to be stagnant in life, career and business. That is the attitude of successful people.

The purpose of this session is to show you what to do when you have this feeling. I have been there several times. Therefore, I am sharing from experience

1. Re-assess yourself to be sure you are still on your own path. You are still on your purpose and not competing with anyone.

2. Talk to someone who understands certain metrics of life. Talk to a mentor, a coach, a pastor, your dad, your mum or anyone who will help you understand why certain things happen in life or share their experiences with you.

3. Be patient in the right way. Wait for your moment of showcase in the right way. Everyone has that breakthrough moment as long as you do not give up. What do I mean by be patient in the right way? There is a difference between being patient and doing nothing and being patient and perfecting your craft, working hard on yourself, building strategic networks etc

4. Check if you are irresponsible.
Yes, the act of irresponsibility can be responsible for this feeling. You cannot be irresponsible in your actions and not expect to feel frustrated. Irresponsible actions only lead to frustrated results. Start being the Chief Responsibility Officer of your life.

Here are 2 programs coming up that will stretch your thinking beyond normal
1. Become a Certified Personal Development Trainer/Coach. Master the professional techniques, how to cause change & get paid.
Join WhatsApp group here

2. Certified Marketplace Adaptability Program. Learn the techniques of adapting In any difficult business situation & how to lead your market. Join WhatsApp group

You can attend On-site or online

5. Be grateful for what you have and have achieved so far
Replace frustration with gratefulness.
To eliminate frustration, you can begin by being grateful for the things that you have. These are the things that you have already accomplished.

6. Identify your area of expertise, passion, influence and shine in it.
It is possible that you may be feeling frustrated because you are not operating in your best area. Alternatively, you have not found your area of purpose, passion and influence.

7. Ask yourself this powerful question and act on it immediately.
“What can I do right now to improve my situation?”. This is not what you will do in the future. This is what you have to do immediately. It could be talking to your mentor.

In conclusion,
Our ability to deal with frustration is known as frustration tolerance. Having a high frustration tolerance indicates that you can cope with challenges successfully, while a low tolerance means that you may feel distressed at small inconveniences.

Have a great week ahead. Eat frustrations during lunch each day

Javnyuy Joybert
Mr Remarkable

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