In Entrepreneurship You Are Always Figuring out Something – Javnyuy Joybert

When a guy is crushing on a lady, his mind is always figuring out something. How do I make her fall for me? Seeking new ways to get her best attention.


This is similar to Entrepreneurship…


In the entrepreneurship journey you are always figuring out something


You are figuring out how to design marketing strategies that will keep Customers engaged with your brand always


You are figuring out sales strategies to employ so customers can exchange their money for the value you provide


You are figuring out how to recruit and keep the right talent (employees)


You are figuring out what systems to establish that will keep the business alive for the next 5 years, 10 years, 40 years etc


You are figuring out government policies and how to take advantage of them.


You are figuring out how to survive in a system that is so corrupt with government officials, civil servants refusing to do their jobs without bribes etc


You are figuring out how to disrupt competition and lead the market


You are figuring out how to use new technology tools to efficiently run your business



Here are 2 programs coming up that will stretch your thinking beyond normal

  1. Become a Certified Personal Development Trainer/Coach. Master the professional techniques, how to cause change & get paid.

Join WhatsApp group here


  1. Certified Marketplace Adaptability Program. Learn the techniques of adapting In any difficult business situation & how to lead your market. Join WhatsApp group


You can attend On-site or online


You are figuring out how to run your business, be a good father or mother, be an excellent wife or husband at the same time


You are figuring out how to manage expenses and remain profitable


You are figuring out how to penetrate new markets, new cities, new countries etc.


You are figuring out how to launch a new product successfully and win the market


You are figuring out how to use international policies to do business like exporting from Africa into the U.S. market under AGOA, like exporting to other African countries under AfCFTA


You are always figuring out something. Forget all these CEO glamour everywhere those who are really running serious businesses are not sleeping well 😄.


In short, every CEO is also CFO (Chief Figuring Officer). For those of you dating or married to Entrepreneurs/Business people, do you now see why some of them don’t sleep well. Pet them, pamper them they need it 😄.


Dear Bae if you are reading this increase your petting, pampering etc 😄. It can help the ministry.


To succeed in business and Entrepreneurship, it does not happen overnight, it takes solid thinking, time, sacrifices, capacity building etc.


I wish you luck in figuring out things and anytime you are stranded, hire me the Prophet of figuring out business issues 😄.




Javnyuy Joybert

Mr Remarkable

Business Speaker, Trainer, Consultant & Entrepreneur

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