To Win in Business & Life You Must be a Synthesizer – By Javnyuy Joybert

To win in business and life you must be a synthesizer


Hear this; this is not something you should be ignorant about;


As you run your business, as market changes, there will be a lot of information, most of it qualitative, so you and Institution need skilled people who are not overwhelmed by data and are comfortable working and merging different types of data to create new insights and make decisions that will disrupt existing struggling market systems.


So, the question I have for you (Entrepreneur, Executives) is, are you a “Data Synthesizer”

Are you comfortable working and merging different types of data to create new insights and make decisions that will disrupt existing struggling market systems?



Here are 2 programs coming up that will stretch your thinking beyond normal

  1. Become a Certified Personal Development Trainer/Coach. Master the professional techniques, how to cause change & get paid.

Join WhatsApp group here


  1. Certified Marketplace Adaptability Program. Learn the techniques of adapting In any difficult business situation & how to lead your market. Join WhatsApp group


You can attend On-site or online



A business whether small or big can only get ahead of their competition and succeed only if the basis of its strategy is on the relevant insights. Relevant Insights only comes from the ability to synthesize data not assumptions and guess work.


When you able to synthesize data, you can achieve the following

– You find insights

– You find new ways to new customers

– You find new ways to upsell to old customers

– You find staff behaviors that can help sell more products to the right people

– You increase efficiency in Operations

– You spot industry trends and initiate proactive actions etc


Therefore, to win in business and life you must be a synthesizer. It is a skill. It means you can learn.




Javnyuy Joybert

Mr Remarkable

Business Speaker, Trainer, Consultant & Entrepreneur

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