How to Start & Complete Tasks (Projects) by Javnyuy Joybert

How to Start & Complete Tasks (Projects) by Javnyuy Joybert

Why is it so difficult to start and successfully complete tasks & Initiatives?

One of the remarkable traits of successful people is the ability to successfully finish what they start. I believe habits define what we become tomorrow and one of the most powerful habits to build is the HABIT of finishing what you start.

Many entrepreneurs, change makers, job seekers, business executives and several other people struggle in life, struggle to achieve their dreams because they can’t finish tasks they start.

Here is what you can do (6 things) if you are fun of starting things without finishing

1. Be realistic: Setting goals that you can’t achieve while insisting you can is stupidity. Stop competing. Stop setting goals beyond your capacity, beyond your resources because you want to compare with others. Be realistic and grow from there.

2. Be relevant: Here is what I mean, set tasks & initiatives that align or are relevant to your purpose and core value that way the fire for that task will keep burning.

3. Be Accountable: Have an accountability partner (Mentor, coach, Pastor) who you will share the task with and ask them to hold you responsible. Remember, if you have no one who can raise his or her voice at you when you are lazy you will not break barriers

4. Make a time line: Be clear on how long you will take to accomplish the task and make sure you communicate with your accountability partner. For example, “I will make 300 000frs by the 30th of March 2021 by selling 100 units of my product”

Photocredit: SHEP Academy

5. Clear big picture: Have a clear big picture that inspire you. For example it could be how much you want to make, it could a picture of your favorite car stuck in your mind, it could be how your house or corporate office will look like, it could be the number of people you want to impact etc. This inspires you to complete tasks that will take you closer to the big picture

6 Selective: Is not everything you must do. Many people do things these days because they saw someone doing it. When you start a task, be sure that this is something you are passionate about and want to see through.

Hear me, our success in life revolves around our ability to complete key tasks that directly affect our success journey. You will fail to be a peak performer if you are unable to start and complete tasks.

I know this was helpful, do share it with others who can benefit from it.

Keep shining

Javnyuy Joybert – Mr Remarkable
Author “35 Days of Re-Defining You for Success”

Whatsapp: +237 656140207

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Glory Fur

    Straight to my heart.
    I’m so guilty of leaving my tasks and initiatives uncompleted. I think what i need is an accountability partner. Thankee Sir Joybert for the education

    1. admin

      Thank you for reading. Keep the transformation



  2. Mbanwe George Fola

    Thanks so much for the write up. Beginning and end completing is a big challenge to a great number of people. The six steps are really going to help anyone who applies them.

  3. Ade Kelvin Kejang

    Cool sir. Especially on the point where you said if you don’t have someone to raise voice at you when you’re out of track, you can’t break barriers. I am *Untouchable*

  4. Abbeytakor Mark Atong

    Thank you Mr Joybert. This writeup was so amazing. And is a major catalyst to my challenge of finishing the task I set especially on my daily to-do list. Thanks again and hoping to be blessed by more of your articles.

    1. admin

      Thank you for reading and your kind words. Keep going

      Javnyuy Joybert

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