There is a level in life where you must not allow your ego to have any space.
Many people are struggling right now in life because a life opportunity came and instead of presenting a humble and teachable personality, it is the ego personality that was presented.
Whether you like it or not, in this life you must be helped and lifted by another man. God will never leave heaven to come and bless you here on earth. He will touch the heart of someone, use any human being to lift you. And if God uses someone to bless you and your bad personality hurts their human spirit they will walk away.
Sometimes I imagine God sitting and looking at some of us with funny eyes and He will be like “See me this one ooh. I sent someone to bless you, to endorse you, to give you a contract, but your bad character and poor attitude sent him away”
Hear this, when we operate according to our egos, we miss out on new possibilities. We take for granted opportunities that offer a new path or a different (sometimes better) way to do things.
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Have you ever experienced making decisions just to feed your ego? The thing is, your ego operates from a place of limited information. The ego operates only from what it already knows, and it’s not willing to open itself up to new information, new experiences, or new possibilities

According to Wayment and Bauer, those living life with a noisy ego spend significant energy identifying and defending the construct of themselves that they want the world to see (that was me!) – the version of themselves that they believe that their friends, family, colleagues, peers or associates want to see. Alternatively, those living life with a quiet ego are more attuned to the people and the world around them, they have a greater recognition of their true strengths and weaknesses (opening the way to greater personal & professional development), and they have greater compassion for the self and others. Instead of expending energy fabricating and manipulating their public persona, they spend that energy living and growing.
Keep thy ego in check and grow authentically. Let’s keep getting better each day.
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Dr. Javnyuy Joybert