No One Will Employ/Pay/Promote/Buy From You Until You Are? By Javnyuy Joybert

No one will employ (pay) you until you are employable (have employability skills) and valuable

No one will promote you to a new position until you are valuable and creating results (Transformational leadership skills)

No one will continue to buy from your business until you keep upskilling and creating new value

No one will recommend you to an open door until they are confident you can deliver the value required

See eeh, one core fundamental for improving your financial capability as a young person (adult) is you ability to scale your value creation at any level of your life. That is why I always tell my mentees, “Do not make only a financial plan but also make a value increasing and monetization plan” Dr. Javnyuy Joybert

Like I will always tell my church brothers and sisters, do not only pray for financial breakthroughs but also invest in your value increasing and monetization plan.

JJ Media Team

You will only grow into poverty when your life pressures and life responsibilities grow while your ability to create and increase value to whoever needs it does not increase.

Do you want to become so valuable that no one can ignore you in your industry? Then order the following courses. If you order 3 & above I give you on 40% discount. Whatsapp +2376749153
a) Techniques to Proactively Take Control of Your Life
b) Techniques to Build an International Career
c) Using Social Media Platforms for Marketplace Positioning
d) Sources of Income in Cameroon for Young People
e) Acquisition & deployment of Destiny Enabling Knowledge & Skills
f) From Idea to Money Making Framework Course
g) Building a Top Notch Personal Brand
h) How to Conquer Irrelevance Course
i) How to Make More Sales Money From Your Services and Products
Order right now here: +237674949153

Have a great day ahead

Javnyuy Joybert
Mr Remarkable

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