Have you found your highest gift? by Javnyuy Joybert

Have you found your highest gift?

Are you living your purpose by using your highest gift to serve humanity?

Read this quote by Pablo;

“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.”
-Pablo Picasso

One of the most powerful things you can learn about yourself, is to be certain about your highest gift. Is to know which part of humanity you are called to serve with your gift.

The highest form of living and significant success is being able to use your gift, knowledge, skills and experience to serve a people. And this can also be your place of dominance and financial freedom.

Many people are struggling financially not because they are supposed to, their main challenge could be, they are currently leveraging on the wrong skills, solving the wrong problems, for the wrong people who are not feeling the impact and cannot be able or willing to pay for the value being created.

These tools will push you to another level of gift manifestation & success
1. How to Serve People With Your Purpose (Video Course)
2. Acquisition & deployment of Destiny Enabling Knowledge & Skills (Video Course)
3. Building a Top Notch Personal Brand (Video Course)
4. Passion & Purpose Discovery e-Work Book
5. Purpose Confirmation Course

Click here https://selar.co/m/JJ to buy with Mobile Money and or bank card in seconds from anywhere and follow any of the courses.
For more info: Whatsapp: +237674949153

Let me conclude with this, any gifted person is called to serve others. Your gift is a sign of service. We are called to use our gifts to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace.

Choose to make a difference
In the midst of turbulence, make a difference and bring calm
In the midst of confusion, make a difference and bring clarity
In the midst of lack, make a difference and bring provision
In the midst of hate, make a difference and bring love and kindness
In the midst of ignorance, make a difference and bring knowledge

Register for Diploma Program in Africa Marketplace Positioning. You will learn how to position yourself and use your gift to serve
Join whatsapp community for more registration: https://chat.whatsapp.com/KbuZXqW5rpFJIXKACxnllN

In the midst of pain, make a difference and bring comfort and rest
In the midst of disorder, make a difference and bring leadership
In the midst of fear, make a difference and bring encouragement and boldness

We want to live a life full of meaning that accomplishes a specific purpose. We want to see that our actions can make a difference that improves the world and helps other people (check above tools)

Look at thyself, look at thy environment and ask “How can I use my gift, to make a difference”


Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
Mr. Remarkable