2021 Official Birthday Message by Javnyuy Joybert

The boy who was called a “wedlock” mistake,
The boy they said he should be a carpenter in the village & not continue with secondary school is plus one in style.

Abba Father – Your boy is grateful

I am a year wealthier. Remarkable Birthday

This birthday means so many things to me. So, so much to be grateful for.

From personal ambitions to career dreams to business expansion and more. The Lord continually ordered my footsteps in the last 365 days.

Ahhh, I faltered, I struggled, I made mistakes, I lost opportunities, I cried, I faced some inner demons and I am still here. God got my back. Family and Friends in my inner circle were there for me. My Pastors and mentor were there to hold my hand. Life becomes much easier when you know someone has got your back. Lord, I am grateful.
To the amazing staff of COSDEF Group LTD, thank you for your believe in the vision and your service.

This birthday reminds me of my (life verse) favorite Bible Verse, 1 Corinthians 15:10 which says “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them—yet not I, but the grace of God that was with me”.

I am a product of Gods’ Grace. If I ever say anywhere, I made it on my own, if I ever take the glory, then rebuke me. Shout at me, discipline me and remind that I do not have the power to make myself. I am just a product of the finished works of Jesus Christ. Abba Father, this boy you are raising says thank YOU.

If there is one thing I have learned deeply in the last age, it is that God’s intentions towards my life are TRUE and BEST. I have also learned to another dimension that it is the value of behavior, the value of perception, the value of laser focus and actions that create, maintain and distribute value that attract success.

In this new age, my mission remains the same like in the last 11 years. To consistently help individuals and institutions to get to a place where they can shine and experience peak performance. Strategies will change, tactics will be upgraded, goals will be expanded, but the mission remains the same.

Now more than ever, it is more important for young people to stand for something. What will you take a stand for, for the rest of your life? For every decision, you will make for the rest of your life will be based on what you stand for. For me, I am turning myself into a unique global marketplace asset.

I look forward to this new age with boldness, audacity, strong intentions, Grace & to manifest every prophetic word on this head.

Remarkable Birthday to me. Jesus be lifted.

Javnyuy Joybert
Mr. Remarkable