In Business, Adapt to Risk, Do Not Avoid It – by Javnyuy Joybert

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If you run a business, then read this. If you are planning to start, then read this. If you work for a business then read this.


In short, read this;


We live in an increasingly volatile world, where change is the only constant.


Businesses, too, face rapidly changing environments and associated risks that they need to adapt to or risk falling behind. These can range from supply chain issues due to shipping, flight, road blockages, to disruptions from natural catastrophes like floods.


Few days back, I heard a restaurant owner complaining that she was not able to cook a particular dish for her customers because roads were blocked in the North West Region of Cameroon.


As countries, cities and companies continue to grapple with the effects of the covid19 pandemic, civil crisis etc, it is the responsibility of the Entrepreneurs and Executives to uncover potential risks and design plan B.


Business risks we should anticipate with Solution mentality;

– Supply chain interruption

– Pandemic outbreak like covid19, Ebola, cholera etc

– Post election crisis

– Internal civil crisis

– Extremist crisis like Bokoharam

– Regulation changes from various government ministries

– Fire explosion etc



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There’s no such thing as risk free life or risk free Business. That’s why, risk management is a core business skill for any serious executive.


Someone will ask me. “Mr Joybert, please recommend to me risk free Business or investment” That is a myth! There is nothing like ‘risk-free’ business or investment. Every business has element of risk. Some may be high while some may be low. The higher the risk, the higher the likely return.


Hear this, many people may not tell you this because they want to pamper you or motivate you. There are no guarantees in business and Entrepreneurship, and no matter how good your idea is or how hard you work at it, there’s still risk. You must anticipate and manage. Going to school is risk…no one can guarantee you will get a job after school.




Javnyuy Joybert

Mr Remarkable