Do Not Live in Regrets – By Javnyuy Joybert

People who live in the past with key focus on regrets are always in distress


While people who live in the present & future by leveraging on daily priorities, goals, vision, hope are always ambitious & excited about life.


Regrets can keep you in the circle of negativity and even retrogression in life. When you focus on regrets, you do not give your mind and spirit the opportunity to focus on the present opportunities and the future possibilities. No amount of regrets can change the past (regrets) but intentional actions about the present and the future can give an incredible life.


Today, I want to encourage to let go of whatever regrets you have right now. This can actually be the best gift you can give yourself this new week.


Regrets will can steal your beautiful ambitions from you. According to Isabelle Bauer a Researcher, in a study, she found an increase in depressive symptoms such as difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating on core things in life because of unresolved regrets.


I encourage you to forgive yourself and look forward. I charge you to live in the present & the future by leveraging on daily priorities, goals, vision, hope and intentionally be ambitious & excited about life. The best days of your life are still ahead of you and not in the past.


“I wish that I had let myself be happier.” is among the top five regrets of people on their dying bed. Bronnie Ware who was a Palliative Care Worker shared this truth. Ware spent her days at the bedside of people in their last 3-12 weeks of life. In her article titled “The Regrets of Dying”, she mentioned, most of her patients wished they had let themselves be happier.


Again, I encourage you to forgive yourself and look forward. I charge you to live in the present & the future by leveraging on daily priorities, goals, vision, hope and intentionally be ambitious & excited about life. Let us be grateful and hopeful. The best days of your life are still ahead of you and not in the past.


You are Rare, You are Remarkable




Mr Remarkable

Javnyuy Joybert

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