Wealth Creation & Education – By Javnyuy Joybert

Anyone preaching wealth creation and undermining the place of education in the equation of creating sustainable wealth is just doing that to excite you so you can feel motivated with no competence to produce results.

Be careful about motivational speakers who will say: “Bill Gates is a school dropout and he is a Billionaire.” Or “The Founder of Facebook is a school dropout who is a Billionaire.”
The sad truth is, people who make these statements do not go further to tell you the kind of high school the likes of Bill Gates went to and how the high school laid a strong foundation through education. They do not tell you the quality of executive education these billionaires invested in to be where they are today.

In a continent like Africa and a country like Cameroon, education is a critical tool. However, I am not saying that we have the best education system in Cameroon. What I am saying is this: our current system can teach people literacy, numerical, basic thinking, and collaboration skills which they need to build for tomorrow.

Hear this, no country has succeeded and will succeed if it does not educate her people. Education, especially value creation driven education, is important in reducing poverty. It is also a key to wealth creation.

I strongly believe that the most dangerous person against poverty is the one who has taken advantage of formal education and self-education (personal development). The former acts like the foundation of a house and the latter acts like the walls and roof of a house.

Someone reading this may argue that he or she knows rich people who are not educated. To such people, I always ask 3 questions only:
1. Can you imagine how the level of effectiveness and productivity for these rich people would have been if they were educated or had invested in self-education?
2. Have you not noticed that when most of those people die their businesses die a few weeks or months after them?
3. Do you also know that some of the rich people who have stable businesses are so smart to recruit the educated to work for them to build lasting institutions?
Study hard, dedicate your time and effort to acquire knowledge and reach a high level of competence, if you would like to lead. People who grew up poor but educated themselves have high chances to transform their lives, thus contributing to a decrease in society’s poverty rates.

The good news is change is already happening in the Cameroonian education sector (system). Look at some private high schools and universities: they are consistently seeking new innovative ways to educate their students to be ready for the changing marketplace. Game-changing learning experience is already happening in some institutions.

If you completed just primary school, plan to upgrade to complete high school. If you completed high school, plan to upgrade to complete a relevant undergraduate program. If you completed an undergraduate degree, plan to complete an MBA, an MSc, or a PhD. And if you have already obtained all these certificates, continue with self-education. Get relevant trainings, attend masterclasses, enroll for short courses, diploma programs, etc. In all thy getting, get education, get understanding, get wisdom!!!

Money can be taken away from you, positions can be taken away from you, but the knowledge and skills you have cannot be taken away from you. And you can use these to make money and rise to your desired position. In all thy getting, get educated, get skillful and get resourceful!!!


Javnyuy Joybert
Mr Remarkable

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