Brief Note 6: What SMEs & Corporate Bodies in Cameroon look for Before Hiring a Consultant?

What SMEs & Corporate Bodies in Cameroon look for Before Hiring a Consultant?


I am doing this short write up for rising young consultants. I think they get many things wrong as they try to build their careers because they do not understand these things.


In my 10 years of training and consulting in Cameroon & 12 other countries here is what they look at. They look at 5 key things


  1. High professional knowledge & expertise
  2. Facilitation skills – the ability to facilitate the process that lead to success
  3. Practical experience in your industry – No one wants to work with a consultant who is not succeeding in their own industry. Theoretical consultants do not last
  4. Extra knowledge and experience in other industries
  5. Business owners & executives like consultants who have walked in their own shoes


Truth is business owners & executives do not just select consultants out of excitement but they go through a thought process.




Javnyuy Joybert

Business Speaker, Trainer & Consultant

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