What is your social media capital? by Javnyuy Joybert

What is your social media capital? by Javnyuy Joybert


What I also mean is, the current way you use your social media can it help you seal a deal of 100k, 300k, 800k, 1 million, 5 million, 10 million (in CFA) etc? Can it help you land that dream job in that dream company?


To evaluate your current social media capital answer the following questions


What is the value of your social media connections?


What is the value of your social media interactions?


What kind of personal brand do you express on social media daily?


Social media has become an integral part of career and business growth. It has become an important part of people’s everyday lives.


Josh Loewen, digital marketing director of The Status Bureau, once said “Social media is how people communicate, look for events, notice stores and brands, and find the weather. It’s how people are aided in their daily life.”


Social media is a gold mind that people cannot afford to be careless.

With almost 3.2 billion social media users, productively building your social media capital has become a key part to career and business growth.


Whatever you put on any of your social media accounts reflects your personality and that is how you build your capital. How you use social media will either give you negative social media capital or positive social media capital.


From today start using social media responsibly and professionally.

Javnyuy Joybert (Business Speaker, Trainer & Consultant)

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