The Kind of People Success Finds, Are You One? – Javnyuy Joybert

The Kind of People Success Finds, Are You One? – Javnyuy Joybert

As an employee you desire success in your professional career & to experience promotion in your work place, as an entrepreneur you want to grow the sales and profit of that business but my question to you is are you the person that success can find (have you become the person that attracts success?)

This is who you should be if Success will find you – Level 1 JB 10 Traits #Success Concept.

  1. Success always finds those who are willing to take risks
  2. Success always finds people who refuse to be comfortable with easy things
  3. Success always finds people who assume responsibilities and do what is needed at the right time
  4. Success always finds people who go the extra mile and not settle for average actions
  5. Success always finds people who outgrow their yesterday self, become better & more competent today & tomorrow
  6. Success always finds people who go through the pain and sacrifice of creating value and use the value to serve humanity
  7. Success finds people who have a goal and hold themselves accountable to make the goal happen.
  8. Success finds people who are not afraid to fail and when they fail they get back up better experienced and knowledgeable to do better
  9. Success always finds people who are bold in their thinking & determined in their actions
  10. Success always finds people who are surrounded by people of value, people who stretch them to be better & support them unconditionally – Network
  11. Success always finds people who refuse to quit.

How can you rate yourself? 10/10? 5/10? Identify where you need to grow and make sure you start taking actions.

Share & bless someone because you share value

You are Rare You are Remarkable.


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