Brief Note: Who are You Crying Out to? by Javnyuy Joybert

Who are You Crying Out to?

Are You Valuable Enough to Receive the Help You are Asking for?
Are you crying to anyone or you are crying to someone who you believe has a solution to your problem?

Let’s look at this from the Bible perspective.
2 kings 4:1a says “The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha…”
So, why didn’t she cry out to another person? Why did she target just Elisha to cry out to?

I believe she had all the credible information and understanding that if she cries out to Elisha, her problem will be solved.

I always say “It is not a sign of weakness to cry out for help, it is a sign of maturity and courage” Javnyuy Joybert.
It is also our responsibility to build a solid network of relevant relationships where we have credible people like Elisha that we can cry out to. Is not everyone you should reach out to for help.

And for you to get help, you must also be a person of value. Truth is, no one likes to invest or put energy and time in a liability. When you are a person of worth, character and value you easily get attention and help when you ask for it.

In that same verse the woman told Elisha “…and you know how he revered the Lord”. She communicated or reminded Elisha that her husband was a man of value.

To conclude,
It’s okay to fail. It’s okay to not have all the answers. It’s okay to need help and ask for it.
Sometimes #success takes being the giver. Sometimes success takes being the receiver.

Wishing you an amazing week ahead

Javnyuy Joybert

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