14 Signs You are a Millennial Potential Disaster (Born between 1980 & 2000) by Javnyuy Joybert

14 Signs You are a Millennial Potential Disaster (Born between 1980 & 2000) – Cameroon (Africa) Context

  1. You cannot design a PowerPoint and do a stellar presentation
  2. You cannot use Microsoft word professionally create attention spiking documents reports etc.
  3. You cannot use Microsoft excel to carry out basic calculations, numbers presentation or data visualization
  4. You cannot use social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc professionally to drive career and business growth
  5. You cannot use basic virtual team collaboration tools like Skype, Zoom, Microsoft teams, google docs, google drive etc. to achieve organization goals


This is a follow up to a post I made yesterday titled Born Between 1980 to 2000? By Javnyuy Joybert. Read here https://joybert.com/2020/10/03/born-between-1980-to-2000-by-javnyuy-joybert/

  1. You cannot Keep appointments on Google Calendar or Outlook, and know how to synchronize them between a computer, tablet and smartphone.
  2. You cannot Store files in the cloud, share files between devices virtually, and realize the professional opportunities that are made possible by cloud computing
  3. You do not understand how companies and organizations use social media tools to better connect with their customers


You can order the latest publication (book) tagged The Future of Work in Africa: What Professionals Should Know & Do by Javnyuy Joybert


  1. You do not know which search engine to use and how to use its advanced features so that you can narrow down the results by date, location, type or keyword in order to find what you are looking for, even faster.
  2. You cannot create a blog or make a blog post
  3. You cannot seamlessly take a course or degree online using the standard learning management system
  4. You do not the basics of how e-commerce works and you cannot successfully buy something from an ecommerce platform
  5. You cannot efficiently use GPS apps and navigation apps to move around in new locations, communities, towns and big cities.
  6. You have no idea (totally clueless) how artificial intelligence, machine learning and general automation will affect your industry whether you are in agriculture, education, fashion, transportation, financial services, marketing etc


The rate of digital transformation influencing organizations at a global level continues to intensify. Except you want to build a village or local career but as long as you desire national and global professional relevance you have to step up. One young man told me, “Sir all these things you are saying only happen in America” if you are thinking like that hear me the coronavirus (Covid-19) lockdown forced and is forcing the pace of technological change across Cameroon even in the smallest towns.


I always strongly recommend institutions to avoid assumptions when recruiting. They should follow up with the potential employee to establish what millennial skills they have. It is the responsibility of the millennial to grow in these areas professionally.


For executives and organizational leaders I always strongly advise encouraging strong collaboration between younger tech-savvy workers with older business professionals to create a cross-generational dynamic and exchange of ideas in the workforce that can enable the institution to succeed

The point of this article is to challenge millennials (Born between 1980 & 2000) in Africa and particularly Cameroon to become intentional about the marketplace that is facing them head on.

We have to take the lead

Some of these personal and professional transformation courses will be the best start for you. These are PDF display courses you can take on your phone.

1. Basic Business Management Course
2. Building a Winning Mindset Course
3. Building Relevant Networks Course
4. Entrepreneurial Leadership Course
5. Entrepreneurs Mind-Set & Habits-Set Course
6. Focus Mastery Course
7. From Job Seeker to Value Creation Professional Course
8. How to Conquer Irrelevance Course
9. How to Stay Motivated Course
10. Overcoming Defeat (Failure) Course
11. Passion & Purpose eWorkBook Course
12. Proactivity Lifestyle Course
13. Purpose Confirmation Course
14. Rebuilding Lost Confidence Course
15. Self Discipline Course

Life Transforming Tools
1. Breaking From What is Holding You Back – Guide
2. Lock-Down To-Do-List Template
3. Passion and Purpose e-Work Book
4. Redefine Your Attitude in 2 Hours – Power Guide
5. The 1% Growth Concept Guide

Send me an email javnyuy@cosdefgroup.com to order

Javnyuy Joybert

Mr Remarkable

This Post Has 4 Comments

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for reading. Please also kindly share with your friends. This life school is imperative for us all.


      Javnyuy Joybert

  1. Dzelamonyuy Godlove you

    Great work sir Joybert.
    What you are doing is remarkable.
    And I hail you for that.

    The truth is, is something is not done really fast by us, the 2000 to 2020 generation will be way much terrible than ours because they are here with us now and are actually copying allot from our negativities.

    May the good Lord help us all

    1. admin

      Thank you so much Sir. Absolutely we need to keep driving these discussions

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