Born Between 1980 to 2000? by Javnyuy Joybert

Born Between 1980 to 2000?


Stop scrolling! Now what age are you?


If you were born between 1980 to 2000, you are a Millennial. If you are in this age group, then sit down and read this


Now that you are comfortable to read, let us go


On a serious note, I am worried about the future of millennials in Cameroon and other African countries where I have done some work.


The way majority of us in this age group face life and do things especially when it comes to career and professional decisions I wonder if we know that Millennials (those born between 1980 and 2000) are and will represent 50 percent of workers in 2020. Moreover, 2025 it is projected we will represent 75% of the workforce.


The laissez faire is high

The ignorance is spiking

The guesswork, try and error attitude is wild

The comfort zone seduction is high

The focus on irrelevant things is a religion

The fasting & prayers with no strategy & hard-work is horrible

The “skillessness” & low professionalism is increasing

The spirit of complaining is crazy

Now look at yourself, look at how you pay attention to your personal growth, to your professional growth, look at your habits, look at your character, look who you hang out with. Now that you have done the looking let me ask you a question… “Do you look like a professional who will take the lead in a season like this?”


Now hear this, Baby Boomers (many of our parents) those born between 1945 and 1964 are retiring every day and space is being created for us Millennials but sadly, we are not ready for the opportunities.


Hear me and read this well, if you are born between 1980 to 2000 you need to adapt or be left behind. You see those workshops, seminars, conferences, masterclasses both offline and online happening around and you are ignoring or minimizing? They are your greatest opportunities to be stretched for the future.


As the Executive President of The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership & Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa (existing for 9 years), I led my team and designed and launched The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship which is another innovative platform to push for the change we want to see in Africa and globally. Find out more here


Hear me, If you don’t have a practical growth strategy, you are not intentional and you are not accelerating your personal & professional transformation in a period like this, you won’t have a business or a career at the end. No one will miss you because no one will know you are around in this chaotic marketplace.  The present & future marketplace will not contain people like you.


Look at the fast pace of the world and ask yourself “Am I doing enough”. Yes yes, it is time to ask the right questions about the world in the midst of dramatic change and start making strong decisions.

Some of these personal and professional transformation courses will be the best start for you. These are PDF display courses you can take on your phone.

1. Basic Business Management Course
2. Building a Winning Mindset Course
3. Building Relevant Networks Course
4. Entrepreneurial Leadership Course
5. Entrepreneurs Mind-Set & Habits-Set Course
6. Focus Mastery Course
7. From Job Seeker to Value Creation Professional Course
8. How to Conquer Irrelevance Course
9. How to Stay Motivated Course
10. Overcoming Defeat (Failure) Course
11. Passion & Purpose eWorkBook Course
12. Proactivity Lifestyle Course
13. Purpose Confirmation Course
14. Rebuilding Lost Confidence Course
15. Self Discipline Course

Life Transforming Tools
1. Breaking From What is Holding You Back – Guide
2. Lock-Down To-Do-List Template
3. Passion and Purpose e-Work Book
4. Redefine Your Attitude in 2 Hours – Power Guide
5. The 1% Growth Concept Guide

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Philemon Mimba

    I am interested in those courses

  2. ketty Anne Djiwason

    Thank you sir. This was a reawakening

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for reading. Please also kindly share with your friends. This life school is imperative for us all.


      Javnyuy Joybert

  3. Abru obed etombe

    Thanks sir. This really inspires me. God bless you for this.

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for reading. Please also kindly share with your friends. This life school is imperative for us all.


      Javnyuy Joybert

      1. Diele Ekwele Honorine

        Am interested

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