Application Open: The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship

The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship Application is Open

The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship is a premier program of The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa – The Pan African Professional Institute.


As people, technologies, businesses, workplaces and lifestyles continue to evolve; professionals will need to evolve along with them. The strong purpose of the fellowship is to take professionals through the process of laying down the groundwork for what is coming and how they can take advantage. The fellowship desire to ensure that professionals are empowered, not replaced, by the disruptive new technologies that are rewriting the marketplace.


This transformational experience gives fellows the tools and agile mindset to be leading change professionals in the fast changing marketplace. Through an intensive and interactive 2 weeks of peer-to-peer and expert experiential sharing, FuWIL fellows will gain a deeper understanding of the future marketplace as leading professionals.


To be eligible for The Future of Work Industry Leaders Fellowship, you must fit one of the following criteria

1. Student – Must currently be enrolled in a degree seeking undergraduate or graduate school program
2. An entrepreneur with a running business
3. Professional – employees
4. A job seeker (with BSc, BA, BTech, Msc, MBA, PhD – you must have completed an undergraduate or graduate program)
5. Have sufficient English language skills in order to understand and participate in all aspects of the program
6. Open to participants in all African nations and not more than 45 years old
7. Collaborative, committed to learning, results driven, adaptive and innovative
8. Be vibrant to co-create a vibrant learning experience
If you fit any of the above in point 1 to 4, go ahead and join the orientation community.

Why should you apply?
– Gain access to new perspectives by learning with and from peers around the world
– Get informed and equipped for the future marketplace by acquiring relevant future skills and leadership abilities to lead organizations of the future
– Gain access to a global network of professionals
– Learn new skills & stretch your general industry experience


Mode of Sessions:
– WhatsApp Group interactions
– Zoom live sessions
– High impact personal & professional exercises & assessments
All driven by Peer to peer & Expert Mentorship


Modules Structure:
– The Future of Work
– Conquer Irrelevance in the Future
– Iconic Leaders of Tomorrow
– Building Relevant Networks
– Digital Transformation
– Proactivity Lifestyle
– Self Discipline
– Building a Professional Social Media Account


How can you apply?
Step 1: Follow the link below to join the program orientation WhatsApp community

Link to join

Step 2: Step is announced after orientation day


Spots: 40 Fellows – October 2020 Session
Duration: 2 Weeks Intensive
Sessions: Morning and Evening


Application open: October 1st 2020
Application close: October 15th 2020
General Orientation Day: October 16th 2020
Fellowship Start Date: October 17th 2020


Join the fellowship orientation community here

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