Choose Your Success Carefully by Javnyuy Joybert

In the history of humanity, there has been no time like now; there is so much talk about succeeding in life, career and business. There is so much access to knowledge, teachings and information on what to do and how to do it so as to be successful

Then, there is a big twist here or should I say a little challenge where many people are under pressure, comparing themselves with others because they have not made that important decision to define what success means to them. Until you choose your success, you will live life from the place of envy and jealousy

It is imperative for you and I to define what success means to us. This is something no one can do for you or for me. Your mentor, your coach, your spouse, your best friend, your teacher…. cannot define your success for you but they can only guide you to define your success from the place of your purpose, your passion, your interest, your skillset.

Success to you could mean any of these to any one or to you

– Creating an NGO to give back to the society

– Starting a thriving business to employ hundreds of people

– Achieving a particular career position in a global company

– Getting married, building your dream house and having a beautiful family

– Being an active player in politics and running for a political office

– Making waves in the entertainment industry and being famous

– Being a national and international motivational speaker and inspiring millions

– And many others

What success means to you is totally up to you to define. Defining your success is not an activity to leave to chance it is something that requires dedication, time, seeking for advice, meditating (praying), doing some journaling, asking questions and much more.

If you are under pressure because of the achievement of other people then it is a sign you have not define what success mean to you.

When you define your success you turn to celebrate and honour others when they succeed in their lane (path), you excitedly support them where you can without funny intentions because you are or will be doing so from the place of significance, purpose and sincere contribution.

Hear this, success looks different to everyone. So define yours, because you work harder when you know exactly what it is you want to achieve.

Now get a pen, a journal and answer this question

What does success means to me?

Get in touch with me today:

I am a business & productivity speaker, trainer & consultant with 9 years of experience (consulting with 350+ institutions and speaking 1200+ events in 8 countries) and refined skills who empowers his audience and clients with deep insights, models & crafted tools they can apply in their businesses and lives to experience peak performance

My area of expertise cut across strategy & execution, process creation & implementation, employee essential skills, business startup & expansion, personal and team productivity. Tel +237 674949153 or

This Post Has 5 Comments


    It was so teaching and now I know what success to me is . Thanks for the knowledge

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for reading and leaving feedback. Keep shining


      Javnyuy Joybert

  2. Mbihlufeuin Mispah

    Wow! So inspiring. Thank you so much Sir

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for reading and leaving feedback. Keep shining


      Javnyuy Joybert

    2. Ayafor Edison

      Wow its so inspiring sir. Thank you very much

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