African Young People: How to Grow Your Small Business by Javnyuy Joybert

As an entrepreneur & business development trainer/consultant and working with a good number of startup entrepreneurs I have discovered that many of them always find it difficult to scale or grow their businesses. Through this article, I will be highlighting some tips on how you can grow your startup or small business. Note this, leading or growing a small business can be more stressful and sometimes you get so worried. So many young Africans come up with good ideas, yet they are unable to scale their ideas for growth.

  1. Use the Internet

There are two kinds of businesses, those with an internet presence and those with no business at all said Bill Gates. The huge market now is online, use the internet properly, use social media and build your business, then increase sales.

  1. Provide great customer service

You must ensure your customer service is classic and exceptional, your customers will always remember great service will likely refer your business to other people.

  1. Build Networks

Invest your time to build your networks. Who you know is very important for your business it can lead to partnerships, strategic alliance, having access to more funding, new markets and much more


African Young People: How to Start Your Start Up (Business) by Javnyuy Joybert


  1. Practice Concurrent Improvement

Measure what currently works for your business and refine your approach as you go. If something is not working, refine your strategy and make sure you focus more time on the activities that achieve the best results for your business.

  1. Brand

For you to boast your business and scale it, you need to create positive memories for your customers and partners. Therefore, if you want to scale your business, you have to understand just how important is it to build your brand. Connect with the public.

  1. Acquire Skills.

Many young entrepreneurs find it difficult to scale their businesses because they lack the skills to do so. You find entrepreneurs who don’t have negotiation skills, don’t have skills to engage people, poor communication skills, are not creative about their businesses and much. Attend business seminars, take online courses. Visit and take a course now.

About the Author
Javnyuy Joybert is a Social Entrepreneur, Empowerment Coach, and a dynamic, prolific and strategic Entrepreneurship/Business Development Trainer/consultant and a personal efficiency strategist. He is focused, question asker, answer seeker, problem solver and purposeful young African. He is the Founder/CEO of The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa – The Pan African Professional Center, Founder of WIKAJOBS, Founder, CELBMD Africa Mobile Micro Credit Scheme (CAMMICS). He is the Head of Njorku Career Centers, Country Director Consultant for C-Life, COO of Most Influential Young Cameroonians Initiative, YALI RLC Fellow and Consultant with several community base organizations, NGOs and SMEs across Africa. He has been nominated and has worn several local and international awards. He is the author of How to Confront The Limits (Living a More Impactul Life) – 2015, Living a Life of Divine Purpose – 2016, The Principal  Things for African Young People – 2017, and Guide to Manifesting Purpose -2017. He has authored so many personal development articles that have been published on several blogs and online platforms across Africa reaching thousands of audience weekly. He has lectured Business Management courses in two private universities in Cameroon for 5 years (2012-2016), He is A World at School Global Youth Ambassador and has been featured on numerous publications across the world regarding his contributions to mother Africa.



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