African Young People: How to Start Your Start Up (Business) by Javnyuy Joybert


In this article, I will be highlighting some tips on how you can get your idea (startup) up and running. As an entrepreneur with 4 startups up and running and who have consulted with over 25+ entrepreneurs across Africa I believe what I will be sharing will greatly help you to start up that business.

1. Just Start (Just do it)
There will never be the right time or right amount. Stop waiting for the right time and just start and start with what you have. There is nothing standing in the way of you starting that business idea except yourself. My personal business slogan is “Think big, start small, learn fast and grow fast”

2. Understand what customers want
If you are serious at getting your business off the ground, find out what your target market really want. Many startupers fail because they don’t give customers what they want or they are not confident in their idea because they are not sure of what problem their startup will be solving.

3. Get your hands dirty.
To succeed as an entrepreneur in Africa, you must be ready to get your hands dirty. Be ready to work hard, be ready to walk under the sun or rain to sale your product or convince customers.

4. Get the required skills
So many young African entrepreneurs start busin

esses without the right skills to start, manage or scale their business ideas. If your business require that you will be doing a lot of negotiations then take a course on negotiating skills, take a course on engaging people and customers

. So ask yourself if you are the right person for this idea?

5. Launch and Prototype
When your startup is ready for the market, make a prototype, show to close friends and family members get their feedback, do the necessary corrections and then launch, let everyone know you have made something or have a service you are selling

6. Grow and keep growing
Consistently grow your business and keep on growing.

Intentionally I did not talk about funding. Because funding issues have caused young people to abandon their ideas because they keep waiting for the day to start with the right amount of money. I started my first startup with 2500XAF that is averagely $6.


About the Author
Javnyuy Joybert is a Social Entrepreneur, Empowerment Coach, and a dynamic, prolific and strategic Entrepreneurship/Business Management Trainer/consultant and a personal efficiency strategist. He is focused, question asker, answer seeker, problem solver and purposeful young African. He is the Founder/CEO of The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa – The Pan African Professional Center, Founder of WIKAJOBS, Founder, CELBMD Africa Mobile Micro Credit Scheme (CAMMICS). He is the Head of Njorku Career Centers, Country Director Consultant for C-Life, COO of Most Influential Young Cameroonians Initiative, YALI RLC Fellow and Consultant with several community base organizations, NGOs and SMEs across Africa. He has been nominated and has worn several local and international awards. He is the author of How to Confront The Limits (Living a More Impactul Life) – 2015, Living a Life of Divine Purpose – 2016, The Principal  Things for African Young People – 2017, and Guide to Manifesting Purpose -2017. He has authored so many personal development articles that have been published on several blogs and online platforms across Africa reaching thousands of audience weekly. He has lectured Business Management courses in two private universities in Cameroon for 5 years (2012-2016), He is A World at School Global Youth Ambassador and has been featured on numerous publications across the world regarding his contributions to mother Africa.

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