You Want a Successful Life, Then Stop Doing This — Javnyuy Joybert

“You want a good life, then stop playing the victim and take responsibility for your actions & life” Javnyuy Joybert

Here is one key thing outstanding about remarkable people. They take responsibility for making the future happen and inspire others to do the same. They don’t sit and play the “I’m the victim game” 

One of the most difficult things people find it hard to do is taking ownership of their own behaviour & the consequences of that behaviour. 

They go wrong because of poor lifestyle & point accusing fingers. If you have been doing that lay hands on your & repeat “Lord I now know am the devil behind my poor outcomes” 

Let me tell you this small secret for free, when you fail to act when you know you should, it is a lack of responsibility and that takes you away from Success. You agree with me there are times when you look the other way when you know the right thing to do is to take helpful action but you don’t. Oh yeah I have been there too

Jeff Durham told me this “When we make excuses or try to blame other people or external factors for the eventual outcome of something, not only are we failing to take responsibility, but we are demonstrating a character trait which is very common in people who fail to succeed in anything” 

When you assume your responsibility, you are giving yourself the power to shape the outcome yourself & therefore taking an active & not a passive role in how the outcome turns out.

Media Team at Dr. Javnyuy’s Office

Bitter truth, people who do not take responsibility for their lives are unlikely to Succeed.

Taking responsibility starts with a clear sense of purpose and consistent commitment. 

Taking responsibility for what’s going on in your life is one of the best things you will ever do. 

Permit share this with you, maybe you will be interested. I lead this amazing christian community of entrepreneurs and professionals called Professionals & Entrepreneurs Fellowship (PEF) with the mission to raise Kingdom driven professionals and Entrepreneurs by teaching them career and business success strategies with the Bible at the core thereby transforming careers and businesses for the Glory of God. You are invited to join here

Have a super day and week ahead! 

Dr. Javnyuy Joybert 

Mr. Remarkable 

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