Doctoral Publication -The Effects of Business Incubators on the Growth of Entrepreneurs in Cameroon by Javnyuy Joybert

Doctoral Publication by Javnyuy Joybert – The Effects of Business Incubators on the Growth of Entrepreneurs in Cameroon


The primary purposes of businesses are for profit maximization and growth. Growth here could be increase in market share, increase in profits or an expansion in size. Due to financial constraints, this growth is difficult without support to these entrepreneurs. Some of the failures in entrepreneurship have been prevalent in countries with limited revenue and this has limited the efforts of entrepreneurs.

Such limitations include the construction of facilities, the development of environments, resources (internet, cleaning, training and campaigns) and benefits from government regulation. This study however seeks to investigate the effects of business incubators on the growth of entrepreneurship. Results from previous literature show that incubators play a relevant role in the growth of entrepreneurs.

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