Diploma Course in African Marketplace Positioning

One of the biggest depression sponsors around us is jealousy and comparison.

Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today.

So many people across Africa and Cameroon have missed on opportunities that could change their lives, not because of village people, but because they were not positioned to take advantage of the opportunities.

Because they lacked the knowledge, skills, exposure to connect to the opportunities.

Therefore, instead of being jealous and or negatively comparing yourself with the success of others and get angry in the process, work on yourself to become the person who attracts the success you desire.

It is your responsibility in this dispensation to position yourself for marketplace success. And depending only what you were taught in school or depending only on your assumptions will not help you.

To succeed in Africa, especially in the private sector, you must master marketplace positioning.

I have the best solution for you.

I have spent months designing this program to help anyone who desires to position his or herself for success to master the art of doing that.

Diploma Course in African Marketplace Positioning

For who: University students, Graduate Job Seekers, Young Professionals, Entrepreneurs etc.

The target of the course is to train young Africans on what to know, what to do to position themselves for success in the African Marketplace as Professionals in any sector. Practical lessons.

You will go through a total of 12 modules for 12 days ONLINE & practical career application activities:

Modules like;

– Blue Print to Building High Value/income 21st Century Skills

– Mastering the Art of Visibility in this dispensation

– Digital platforms & tools to master for career success

– Building top notch personal brand & conquering irrelevance

– And more

Organized & Certified by Internationally Accredited Institution: The Center for Entrepreneurship, Leadership and Business Management Development (CELBMD) Africa

To Register, kindly join the orientation hub for more information and instructions on how to begin your course and get certified.


Power positioning is presenting yourself to the right person, at the right time and place, in the right way, with the right message. If you can do that all day long, every day, you will be an incredibly successful professional. This Diploma program will help you achieve this.


Dr. Javnyuy Joybert
