3 Personalities We Should Express From Henceforward This 2020 By Javnyuy Joybert

I have been home for the last 6 weeks+ and serving my clients remotely and I have learned a lot about myself, my business operations, products, love, relationship and much more. I will like to share some 3 personalities that I have developed myself intentionally in the last couple of weeks working from home.

1. Be a safeguard: Keep your mind, your emotions, your lives and livelihoods safe. There is nothing as imperative as this. In these difficult times, we do not have the ability to live the lives we use to live; this can tremendously affect our mental health and safety. Guard your mind be careful what you consume on social media, the news, people around you etc. Safeguard your hope, do not let anyone steal it from you, safeguard your inspiration do not lose it to any circumstance, safeguard your ability to love and to be kind. Humanity need more kindness, service now, not guns, and political parties.

2. Be a Learner: Be the first to know where your industry is going. There is a lot of uncertainty about tomorrow in every industry. While the key focus now is to survive, it is also time to learn and reposition your business or yourself as a professional in your industry. Do this by learning and analyzing your industry to know where it is going. This time, leverage on deep industry knowledge, dig deep to understand, provide valuable insights and shine a light on the trends and challenges within your line of work as a professional. Take actions with your key valuable lessons.

3. Be the best Adapter: Few days back I asked myself this question “Where to from here?” Truth is, in these uncertain times it is hard to get a clear answer and that is why being adaptable is the best way out. Here is what I mean, be the one making the best decisions (Proactivity lifestyle is key now) and if you get it wrong change immediately (this is not the time to cry when you make mistakes it is the time to learn and change immediately from your mistakes) and be dynamic. Be on the fastest improvement trajectory. We have to accept that we are in a situation where following plans and strategies that had been drawn up in advance will not be effective. Real time adjustment is imperative

I strongly believe as a businessperson and or employee if you develop these 3 personalities you will survive these trying times and come out stronger.

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