Dreaming is good but will never be enough. As an entrepreneur who is determined to cause relevant change in a specific industry, you may start observing or have that feeling of poor progress. Permit me share 3 things that may be killing your dream
1. You are lazy
A lazy entrepreneur give excuses, procrastinate, complain, do not study and more. A lazy entrepreneur does not invest time to build business systems, too lazy to go out and market/sale the product. You cannot be lazy and have results. Choose laziness or choose results. You cannot have both. Entrepreneurship is for those who have courage, for those who show up at work and do the hard work with productive outcomes.
2. You Think Small
It’s not just about thinking big but it is also about being able to think right when entrepreneurial challenges show up. Rigid and small thinking play a big role when it comes to achieving your dreams. Improving how you approach tasks and problems and consistently growing your big picture is relevant. Entrepreneurs who think small keep their companies small.

3. You Think You Have All The Answers
You are definitely capable doing great things and achieving your entrepreneurial dreams, but you diminish your greatness when you think you know it all. No one knows it all and the market place keep changing at a rapid rate where only lifelong learning entrepreneurs will thrive. Learning and sharing information is necessary for every entrepreneur.
For speaking engagements, workshops and public appearances, in the areas of personal effectiveness & success, enterprise development & business growth, corporate & work place efficiency, process innovation & strategic execution, staff training & career growth kindly email javnyuy@cosdefgroup.com or javnyuyjoybert22@gmail.com or call +237 656140207
Thanks @ Javnyuy Joybert. The insight so deep
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading and sharing
All yr documents are a must read ,more grace to yr elbows.