How God Enhanced Moses’s Leadership Brand: Here is What We Can Learn
There is a success secret and to some a success system many still do not understand and know how to put to work especially the younger generation.
This is an element of living that if well mastered can change your life, career and business.
There are some things in life like a certain career open door or business opportunity many people will toil for years to get it however if this element is put into play, the toiling change into effortless success.
Here is the secret (system) clearly practiced by God in the Bible.
Let us look at Exodus 19:9
Then the Lord said to Moses, “I will come to you in a thick cloud, Moses, so the people themselves can hear me when I speak with you. Then they will always trust you.”…..
The secret is in the last statement. God said “Moses, so the people themselves can hear me when I speak with you. Then they will always trust you.”
There is an opportunity that will only open up to you in your career and business when a people or certain personalities can trust you. And for certain people to trust you, a higher authority, a more influential voice must do some “work” with you.
Even though Moses was already their leader, many could only respect and trust Moses after that particular public encounter God decided to orchestrate. So actually not all show show are bad. Some are necessary for brand building. Remember, God said “Moses, so the people themselves can hear me when I speak with you. Then they will always trust you.”

What do I mean work? It could be speaking with you in front of people like what God did with Moses, it could be calling someone on your behalf, it could be collaborating with you on a project, it could be writing an email or issuing a recommendation letter.
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The fact is, there is a level of credibility, personal brand growth and trust that only comes upon you when you are connected/endorsed/recommended/celebrated by a higher and more influential voice.
I always feel sorry when I hear someone say “I do not need anyone in this life to succeed ” That is an immature person talking. We all need someone. If you have that thought in your mind, let me tell you, that is the enemy collaborating with you to destroy your own destiny.
Hear this “All the success, open doors, money etc you are looking for are not in heaven. God has released all these into men” That is why no matter what you do, no matter who you are and who your parents are, be kind, be respectful, be of service, build value and invest in living a positive lifestyle.
I want to specially invite you to join Professionals & Entrepreneurs Fellowship (PEF). This is only for serious, committed people.
PEF is a non-denominational ministry with the mission to raise Kingdom driven professionals and Entrepreneurs by praying and teaching them career and business success strategies with the Bible at the core thereby transforming careers and businesses for the Glory of God. Join the Whatsapp group here (read the rules and programs).
Happy Sunday
Dr. Javnyuy Joybert