Have You Acknowledged What You Really Want?

Have you acknowledged what you really want from this life, from that career and business?

As the world goes through these trying moments instead of getting lost in fear it is time to ignite your hope

The reality for most of us is, while we know what we want, we are often afraid to even acknowledge it, talk less pursuing the dream? You cannot strongly and confidently pursue a dream you have not intentionally acknowledged and convicted about. 

For clarity, let us look at the meaning of the word “acknowledge” according to oxford dictionary

“accept or admit the existence or truth of” or “recognize the importance or quality of” 

And please note, the word “acknowledge” is a verb. Meaning, it is action oriented. You cannot acknowledge something without taking action. 

Why do many people miss direction in this life? They actually have not acknowledged direction in the first place. Show me someone who has clearly acknowledged his/her direction, he/she will have answers to these questions; 

a) Where is your destination?

b) When are you going to get there? (they may not be certain, but they have the audacity to pick a date. 

c) How would you know if you are in the right direction?


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Get this, no human cares about your success more than you do, therefore it’s vital to invest time to define a significant destination and stop guessing the future. Clarity & conviction give birth to passionate action

 If you have not intentionally acknowledged what you want and take consistent actions towards, you are not responsible enough to have what you say you want. 

Johann Von once said “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”

Wishing you a Great week ahead and remember to DO. 

Hear me, You are Rare, You are Remarkable!

Dr. Javnyuy Joybert


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