What Clients, Mentees & People Say About Javnyuy Joybert (Mr. Remarkable)

I do not take the privilege God has given me to be a in a position where I can positively influence lives, careers and businesses of people from different sectors of life for granted.  I decided to pick out a couple of strong reviews different amazing people have said about me either in comment sections, whatsApp groups and even direct messages to share. My personal mission ” Is to turn average individuals into peak performers who manifest significant results and slow growth institutions to high growth companies to become industry titans and contribute to the national and global economy”.

For 10 years+, I have dedicated my life to this mission and for the next decades, it will remain this mission Abba Father being my helper.

Read what these amazing people had to say

“Javnyuy Joybert is a great mentor. After so many years as a stay-at-home mom, I was struggling to go back into the workforce. Since I started working with him,I’m becoming more and more confident. His patience and guidance are unique” Gertrude Kemayong – Senegal

“I thought I knew who an entrepreneur was until you taught me who really I am. Gave me the tools I need to be a better one. Mr Remarkable indeed” Afor Joshua – Cameroon

“Javnyuy Joybert is a force to reckon with, he is a teacher that exemplifies what he teaches.
From him I have learned several lessons and the out that stands out is that you can become anything you choose to, if you develop the right habits, have the right mental attitude, take the right levels of action and stay true to your game while above all trusting God to prosper your efforts, and not wishes” Ngong Teresh – Cameroon

“Javnyuy Joybert is a Remarkable man indeed. I have been under his mentorship for just a month yet he has impacted me so much. He instills this passion in you to be better than you are, to be uncomfortable with average results, to have the mindset of a winner while developing the skills necessary to take you to the top.
He is a blessing to me, to this generation and most especially to the youths of this continent. Thank you Sir” Guilian Asongtia (PhD-c) Cameroon

“Javnyuy Joybert is a great mentor and one of the most outstanding Coach I have met since I started my Entrepreneurship journey, Meeting with him has really change my business leadership in so many ways” Afo-ose Celestine (Entrepreneur)

“Javnyuy Joybert is a Young, Vibrant and Remarkable Entrepreneur with a lot of insights on Entrepreneur ship, business management and more… I knew nothing about Project Planning and Entrepreneurship as a whole, until I met you Sir! You gave me that platform to be brave, overcome my fears and think positive. Thank you Sir! You are Special! God bless” Gerald Ndakwah – Entrepreneur

“Javnyuy Joybert is a Young, Vibrant and Remarkable Entrepreneur with a lot of insights on Entrepreneur ship, business management and more… I knew nothing about Project Planning and Entrepreneurship as a whole, until I met you Sir! You gave me that platform to be brave, overcome my fears and think positive. Thank you Sir! You are Special! God bless” Gerald Ndakwah – Entrepreneur

“Javnyuy Joybert is a very remarkable young person as evidenced in his nickname Mr Remarkable
He has purposed to changing the narrative of the African youth, putting into perspective the notion of using ones mind to achieve and do great things. Mentor to thousands of mentees and inspiring them to best versions of themselves. I celebrate your courage, desire, passion and drive Sir. Keep Soaring” Nery Ken – Entrepreneur

“Javnyuy Joybert is an asset to the economic community of Cameroon, Africa and the world. He is very impactful and one of the most outstanding Coach I have met since I started my Entrepreneurship journey, Meeting with him has really change my business leadership. He is indeed Remarkable” Rahel Randy (Wife Coach & Entrepreneur)

“Javnyuy Joybert, is a teacher with extraordinary skills. He simplifies everything to everyone’s understanding. From the time he became my mentor, my life has never been the same. I’ve improved drastically career and business wise thanks to his mentorship. I remain indebted to all he has impacted my life with as a mentor, for i will forever remain grateful. Thank you Sir” Jumbam Aurelie – Chief of Service

“My Personal Productivity coach. It’s a year since I met you and all I feel about knowing you is gratitude. My life’s Purpose became clearer, personal productivity boosted, laziness kicked out, had my present job through you and I’m excelling in it still under your mentorship. I’m grateful. God bless you Sir” Fur Glory TV/Radio Host – Dash Television/Radio

“Javnyuy Joybert is the most remarkable young leader I know , if not for his guidance I would not have a startup . his mentorship is the greatest thing that happened to me this year” Nkwi Loh – Tech Entrepreneur

“The Man behind my everyday challenge to wake up and get to work. I am becoming Rare and Remarkable day by day” Precious Ntein – Operations Manager DataGirlTech

“If your life is not straight and you meet Javnyuy Joybert even your village people can’t keep you behind. He takes you up to operate in your maximum capacity” Nkenen Brendaline – Agricultural Engineer & Entrepreneur


“Ask me the reason behind my high level intentionally and peak productivity and I’ll call one name: Coach Joybert. He is a rare gem that knows how to bring out the best solutions out of every problem be it in one’s personal life or Business” Ntinwa Mackinley – Government Teacher & Consultant

“Javnyuy – Mr Remarkable, very positive, energetic young man. I had always followed him for like a year now, until he finally became my mentor a month ago. I used to procrastinate a lot, feel like the whole world is against me, negative thoughts but just few weeks under his mentorship automatically, I no longer procrastinate, I see and do right things for my career, my confidence and positiveness is on another level. With you Mr Remarkable, i know the sky will be my limit. Thanks Dr Javnyuy” Njodzeka Marion Ayuk – Public Health Expert


“My Mentor✊, He’s a teacher, a coach, a big brother, a father…he is a rare and selfless being sent to liberate this generation from their average lifestyles and mediocrity mindsets. He’s helped me redefine myself for success by learning and living new habits while dropping lazy habits of just any average human out there. Through his daily mentorship classes, practical exercises and constant follow up, I have left from just being ordinary/average to becoming a peak performer. I must say the greatest asset I have acquired so far is knowing him and having the privilege to be mentored by him. He’s rare and remarkable!!!” Zoma Brita – Insurance Professional

Business solutions (services) that we offer at COSDEF Group LTD

– Business financing & investment sourcing
– Business idea validation & startup
– Business growth & system optimization
– Auditing & financial control
– Websites and app development
– Logo conception & design
– Top notch event & corporate flyers
– Business plan writing
– Employee & management workplace skills training
– Accounting software training (Sage Saari, Quick Books, Manager Accounting, Excel)
– Taxation services & consultancy
– Business Automation (Leveraging on tech to increase business performance)
– CV, motivation letter, personal statement, scholarship & career services
– Staff recruitment, interviewing, onboarding & training
– Design thinking & customer service training

Contact +237674949153 or email javnyuy@cosdefgroup.co to book our top class services

We help our clients achieve tangible, high-impact results – Javnyuy Joybert, CEO

“Just a few months of being a mentee with Joybert and my mentality and approach towards life has been positively impacted. I have become more focused and intentional about whatever I want to do than I did before. He challenges and stretches me morning, afternoon and night to be better. Thank you sir” Ambe Melvis – Finance Consultant & Entrepeneur

“Mr Remarkable Actually helped me to have a focus and not be everywhere. I now have a bigger dream, a passionate passion, and he has practically helped me establish and practice value adding habits in my life. He is a good listener , there is no question that I have Asked Mr J Joybert that he has not answered. His ways and wisdom is Rare. Anyone who falls under his anointing starts witnessing open doors in many dimensions. Try and testify” Stephyna Nakufis – Real Estate Entrepreneur

“Mr Joybert has challenged me to exercise discipline and go beyond my limits. He is always concerned about sharing knowledge and is happy to see everyone especially the youths succeeding. He’s a trailblazer, an outstanding and remarkable leader” Sandy Kanjoh – Young Professional

“The one mentorship I seek when I need a stretch and raw facts about being my own responsibility.
Presently, at your Peak Performers Academy Mentorship program, I’m getting a real life transportation. Thank you Coach Javnyuy Joybert” Keke Lamnde – Young Professional

“Mr Joybert is one of the most intelligent and inspiring person I have come across. You can not be close to him and remain unproductive. Very hard on those who are lazy. I am currently under his mentorship program and I must confess that my life is transforming for the best day after day. Thank you very much Mr. Remarkable” Talahjr Talah – Young Professional

“The reason am focused today is because I met you Dr. Javnyuy Joybert. I was everywhere, Jack of all trade, master of none. But am glad and proud to say that am focused on my path, thanks to Doc. Javnyuy Joybert” Mbihlufeuin Mispah – University Lecturer

“Mr. Joybert is creating very indelible happy memories on the minds and in the heart of many young entrepreneurs in Cameroon, Africa and the world in general. Positive thinking is what he constantly put in me” Angelo Sengka – Edtech Entrepreneur

“Mr Javnyuy Joybert has been since June of 2019, a great example for me in person. Through personal and formal interactions with him, i have become much better. I look forward to working with him for the coming years. God bless you Sir” Ngong George – Entrepreneur & Finance Expert

“My mentor with the most astounding personality. I respect you sir. You are a God sent. Your coaching has greatly change my mindset in a more positive way. You haven given me more than 1000 reason to never give up on my dreams. You are an inspiration. Our nation needs more of your kind. Keep impacting” Bache Miriam Yebi – Young Professional

“I got forced to stretch the limits which I now realize were mere illusions and though at times one may know what to do yet be reluctant, that great push is what I got and it’s taking me to top. Thanks Coach Javnyuy Joybert you are indeed Mr. Remarkable” Beckley Ebako – Entrepreneur China

“Just 33 days of mentorship under Dr Javnyuy Joybert, my sales have drastically increased, the number of people knocking my doors to invest in my business have tremendous increased. Marital life is wonderful now. I wish I knew him like 5 years ago. Dangote et al would have been my colleagues” Nsoh Fonkwa Evis – Entrepreneur

“I had the pleasure of seeing Mr Joybert speak at a conference in 2020. His presentation made such an impression on me that made me redefine the way I have always looked at business. Working with him is the best decision I have ever taken in my whole entrepreneurial journey. You cannot implement his strategies and not get results. He is one of the most resourceful African Entrepreneurs we should all look up to” Ful Genesis – CEO MAXCOM LTD & MC-TECH

“A mentor like no other. Through daily coaching, he has challenged me to work like never before, with excellence as a core value. My business and career have taken a new turn. Sir, you are indeed Remarkable!” Durance Tanekeu – CEO Quality Health Care Clinic

“I most testify that, my knowing you has made a tremendous positive Change in my company, Applying your Business strategies, has landed us on an increasing growth in sales especially. You’re indeed a great coach, trainer…” Teke Willie – CEO, Teke Constructions LTD

“Mr. Javnyuy Joybert aka MR. REMARKABLE. Yes Sir, you are indeed “Remarkable”! A few days into mentorship with you it’s like many years. You are one outstandingly remarkable in a million and your worth in what you know and worth is compared to none. I believe that the future of entrepreneural and business World in Cameroon and Africa lies with you. Move on remarkably as you continue to rebuild the real Cameroon and real Africa in the lives of real Cameroonian and real African Youth daily. I think Cameroon and African Presidents should start listening to you Sir. More grace my Mentor and entrepreneurial Nguru and Icon!” Pastor Nathan Kiere

“Mr Javnyuy Joybert aka Remarkable an amazing coach. His daily articles of inspiration has changed me in my thoughts, places I visit and the type of people I keep has been taken my entire life to another positive dimension. God bless the day I come in contact with you” Eyene Ndodiam – Young Professional

“Javnyuy Joybert Is not just a mentor but he is a father, brother and friend. His guidance and advice has helped me understand what i need to do to get to where am going. Since i met him i have undergone so much transformation. Thank you sir” Francis Yuyun – Young Professional

“If you want success, If you want growth, meeting Mr. Javnyuy is a must for you! A remarkable man who gives out incredible knowledge without reservation. A coach, a mentor and above all an epitome of knowledge and excellence! I wish I came across this name several years ago. Kudos Sir!” Tvi Hedwig – Career Coach

“In a week’s time, I will be starting my second business thanks to mentor Joybert. Since I made him, my career and business has never be the same. He is one of the most innovative and creative persons I have ever come across. Mr. Remarkable, is a blessing to our generation. I wish I knew him earlier” Kongbunri Luanga Nyuy-yuver – Entrepreneur & Project Expert

“Mr. Javnyuy Joybert is a great coach loaded with exceptional wisdom and insight. His teachings through blog posts, videos and social media articles are always very insightful. Each time, he touches a crucial point that can drive results for businesses. I have personally benefited from his great wisdom and insights for about 4 years now. He is indeed Remarkable” Wilson Njofie – CEO FaithWorks Tech & Winners Tech Institute


“My Remarkable coach and mentor Mr Javnyuy Joybert you are a source of inspiration to this generation. Through your daily coaching, Our Clinic is growing like never before! When somebody read or exchange with you, his life with never be the same. May God continue to inspired you” Raoul Mbogne Fokoua – Cofounder & Co-CEO Quality Health Care Clinic