Core Business Element – Customer Experience: Javnyuy Joybert

Whether you are a startup entrepreneur, a growing business executive or a corporate executive in a 100 million+ business you need to pay attention to this if you desire to continue running a profitable business.


This may sound basic but it is a core business element. Moreover, this is not an element to look at it only in the short-term basis but have a long-term view about this element and have policies in place to ensure this element is unswervingly treated with precedence.


I am talking about Customer Experience.


Ok, let me break it down.


What is customer experience?

This is the feeling or experience a customer goes through in your business in the process of buying from you. The experience from the first contact to the exit point of the buying process.


The kind of customer experience your customer goes through will lead to 2 outcomes


  1. Either they go and never come back or
  2. They practice repeat and regular purchase from that moment.


Therefore, the question I have for you (entrepreneur, business owner, executive, customer service officer etc) is, are you intentional about the customer experience culture in your business.


Do you remember the money transfer agency few years back? Apart from MTN and Orange killing them with a better service called mobile money, majority of their horrible staff created dreadful customer experiences.


Some key truths about customer experience

– Customers are willing to pay more money if you can guarantee them better buying experience

– Customers will switch brands swiftly when they go through poor customer experience

– Good or horrible customer experience positively affect the profit and loss statement of the business

If you are in business, you must stop leaving this part of business to chance. Pay attention and improve where necessary. We can work (Whatsapp +237674949153) with you and your business to design and implement tailored customer experience strategy that will positively affect your business growth.


Javnyuy Joybert

Business Speaker, Trainer & Consultant

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