What Entrepreneurs and Leaders do on Sunday: Javnyuy Joybert

I strongly believe that Sundays are the most important days in the life of an entrepreneur and leader and for your information, we are all leaders. How you handle your Sunday, determine how your week will look like. Apart from developing weekly to do list, priority list here are some of the key things entrepreneurs and leaders should be doing on Sunday.

1.  Reflection

Sundays are a great chance to reflect on the past week, reflect about your sector/industry, make adjustments and plans realistically for next week. People who face the week on autopilot do not get intentional results, but reflection and anticipation for what lies ahead of the week is great activity that set you up for the week.

2. Vision for the week

Sunday is a perfect day to set a clear vision for the week. Entrepreneurs and leaders set the vision for the week, vision that will get them out of bed into the marketplace to deliver excellent value. When you set a clear vision for the week, you become proactive and set yourself apart from people who barely go through each day of the week.

3. Make-up their mind

As an entrepreneur and leader, each week will always come with unique challenges and decisions to make that will affect your month, your year and even your life. Entrepreneurs and leaders make up their mind to make tough decisions the coming week if necessary. Become intentional about decision-making. 

Successful people look at their calendars on Sunday night and set goals and deadlines for the coming week.

Remember, You are Rare, Your Remarkable

For speaking engagements, workshops and public appearances, in the areas of personal effectiveness & success, enterprise development & business growth, corporate & work place efficiency, process innovation & strategic execution, staff training & career growth kindly email javnyuy@cosdefgroup.com or javnyuyjoybert22@gmail.com or call +237 656140207   

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Tantoh Dickie

    Great writeup sir thanks for this inside .

    1. admin

      Thank you Mr Tantoh. Keep enjoying our great insights. Grow, Rise and Shine


    L’époque, je parle là dans la passé pour dire qu’il y’a de cela plusieurs années, plusieurs mois et jours, je n’aimais pas le dimanche parce que ça suppose une autre semaine aussi chargée que la précédente alors que j’ai besoin de plus de repos.
    Mais aujourd’hui en vous lisant et au regard de tout ce que je commence à entreprendre, je comprends que le dimanche, non Mon Dimanche est le jour du Bilan et de l’Organisation.
    Merci bien pour cet article qui est riche et qui contribuera sûrement à m’aider à m’améliorer mon sens de l’organisation qui parfois me fait défaut.
    Merci et agréable dimanche.

    1. admin

      Hello Femeni,
      Thank you so much for your kind words. Keep rising and keep shining.


    Great, inspired me

    1. admin

      Thank you Dora, Keep growing, rising and shine. Regards

  4. Anang Christy Ijang

    Thanks Boss. From today, my sundays will be born again .

    1. admin

      ahahahaha I hear you. Keep visiting the platform and growing

  5. Ateh Larissa

    Knowledge looks easier when you convey it the way you did. Thank u

    1. admin

      Thank you. Keep visiting the platform and growing

  6. Edenguele Boulologo

    Great article ,thanks so much for the insight.Practicals begins now for me

    1. admin

      This is super awesome. Begin immediately. Keep visiting the platform and growing

  7. Paul Verdzekov

    Great write up. I have to adjust a lot of things. Thanks for the great insight

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