The Young people in Cameroon have definitely come of age. The level of creativity, entrepreneurship, and sense of; self, space and time has tremendously shifted to a higher level. The level capable of moving an entire country into the future.
Gradually youths are taking their lives and destinies into their own hands. The more enlightened ones are leading and organizing the others into a dynamic, animated and continuously evolving “new” segment of the Cameroonian society – The Middle Class.
Among these kindred spirits are free thinkers, people with great taste, ambitious with mover and shaker tendencies which can be limited only by the size of their dreams and level of hard/smart work not the government, their parents, local limitations or any other authority except God of course. Who said God is not on their side? because He is.
Also Read: African Young People: Entrepreneurship Requires 2 things by Javnyuy Joybert
These guys/gals are tired of complaining about not being given an opportunity, a job, money, a raise, promotion etc. They are done chasing concours, getting sexually transmitted degrees, asking for permission about their futures or collecting handouts from people who talk down on them for a few thousand francs, dollars or even euros. In fact most are done chasing fathom “bush” dreams.
It is so sad this bloodless revolution in the mentality of our youths coincides with a very volatile and bloody political situation in the country. Despite all these and more, somewhere in my heart I am very much reassured they will not only survive, they will thrive and so doing shape whatever Cameroon becomes.
Also Read: African Young People: Improving Your Entrepreneurial Venture By Javnyuy Joybert
No matter what happens to/in Cameroon, our young people will never be the same again. They have tasted for themselves or experienced from their peers the power of self reliance which in turn has endowed them with true confidence – “The Yes I Can” mentality.
The next level after this reawakening will be a certain raw level of patriotism that will inspire ordinary citizens to become SELFLESS and strive towards a common good, cause or calling much bigger than ourselves. A trait common to every resilient and successful nation in the world. It was always a matter of time.
About the Author
Bonie F. Ndifor is a seasoned banker with over a decade of professional experience. He has worked for some of the world’s top banks. He has expertise in Corporate Credit, Corporate Law, Investment Banking and Corporate Restructuring. Bonie holds two law degrees an LLb with Honors (UB) and LLM with Publication (USA), an MBA in Finance graduating Summa Cum Laude (USA) and an Investment Banking Diploma. He is currently the CEO & MD of Bonaventure & Co., an African boutique Investment Bank and Financial Advisor with offices in Cameroon and the US. www.bonaventurefon.com